Clinton Actually Has A PLAN! & It isn't building a BILLION DOLLAR WALL!

in #politics8 years ago

Let's see here, Trump & the GOP plan will give a sizable tax cut for the RICH from 39% back down to 25%. If this sounds familiar it should because it sounds like the BU$H tax cut. For the middle class the cut is minimal. Now let's look at the liabilities. We are looking at a BILLION dollar concrete 'monstrosity' to be built on our southern border. Then of course there's yet another TRILLION DOLLAR War in the works here. Not to forget, trying to default our Debt is planned. That should put us in 'hot' water financially.

Also there will be another massive deregulation of the Market creating yet another field day for the Billion Dollar Boys Club. This should give rise to using yet more 'loopholes' to strip the US economy of money. Of course the Teabaggers will be thrilled by mass speculation and the unstable markets. Expect oil to rise exponentially leading to 'higher' gasoline & diesel prices. I'll spit in the oil ocean & say about $5 plus per gallon. The GOP wants to SLASH Social Security benefits & privatize Medicare causing yet more gouging by Big Pharma.

While we Democrats are working on ISSUES, Trump & the Right Wing are looking for more straw men to erect about Clinton. Now it's complete bullsh!t about the Clinton Foundation. This from a man(if you can call him that) that STILL refuses to disclose his tax returns! Let's delve into Trump International for a change & inspect HIS business dealings! Was the Trump money from Russia with love? Inquiring Minds want to know!


And if you disagree, you'll wind up part of a mysterious suicide.

Yea! Like I haven't heard this one 1000 times already!

Ha! Ha... Ha! lol

Do I amuse you? I make you laugh?

No, you aren't amusing and you don't make me laugh. Hillary makes me laugh, her agenda makes me laugh.... Like. ...And if I laugh at any mortal sin tis' that I may not weep. Lord Byron

Good! I just wanted to be clear on that point...I'm not trying to be funny...I'm as serious as a heart attack...