What I Learned From The Movie, "The Shape of Water"

in #politics7 years ago

I saw this movie today because I was bored, I didn't expect it to be good, I didn't care, but little did I know it was more insightful than I could have imagined. During the movie two characters are talking to each other in Russian, they are trying to get the "asset" away from the Americans, one wants to kill it, the other wants to take it for study. The one who wants to kill it says, "We don't need to learn from it, We need to keep the Americans from learning."
This little bit of dialogue of course made me think about the Democrat party. I turn on the news and nothing they are saying is actually about teaching people or making them more independent, everything they do is just to keep people "fat dumb and happy." They want to take guns away from people but when another Florida shooting happens, who will defend people ? The Florida school had an armed deputy who didn't go in to save anyone, he just saved himself. Yet still Democrats are talking about taking away guns like that is the answer to everything.
It is hard work to be a Republican, gotta read the Bible and know what is in it, concealed carry is not something to be frowned on especially if you live in Texas :) and you have to teach people how to be better when you would have much more fun just mocking them. Being a black Republican in Texas is even harder... people often ask me, "Why are you a Republican? "and I think to myself... "I try harder and read more than you do." But... that comes out as... "I just fell into it, I've been listening to Rush Limbaugh and watching Fox News." Being a Republican is about reading and learning more each day, Being a Democrat is about feeeeling and doing things to make the government more powerful so they can rule over you and use the tax money to support more people with government programs and repeat that cycle to infinity.
Unlike the Democrat party, Republicans need Americans to learn, we need them to be more than a crowd, that is why Republicans don't have a super delegate system like the Democrats. Both parties vote but one party is an aristocracy and one is not. In the 2016 primaries Jeb Bush was running for one reason, his last name was Bush, and he lost badly to the will of the Republican voter, but Democrats got Hillary Clinton due to a corrupt super delegate system, what did the Democrats learn ? They should have learned that their vote didn't count as much as the super delegates and Hillary shouldn't have even gotten 40 % of the vote but they didn't learn that, for them the ends justified the means they just wanted to win, they didn't care if they weren't being heard.
If the Democrats are going to learn, we'll have to teach them how to make America Great Again, we've got some work to do...