US Venn diagram has lost its center

in #politics4 years ago

I was recently mildly chastised on FB for objecting to and condemning the current wave of insurrection infecting our nation. I was told my post wasn’t “helpful”, that what we need is some polly-anna pablum about “unifying our country”. Oh, if only it were that simple.

I would be all for some sort of unifying trend in this country, but what I’m seeing is quite the opposite. It isn’t the right throwing the verbal (and actual) grenades, nor working feverishly to subvert traditional American values, rewrite history, and promote an Obamian “fundamental change” in the path of this great nation.

The neo-Liberal radical left (which rank and file Democrats have allowed to seize control of the party narrative and platform) wants to redefine “unity” to mean unquestioning agreement with their agenda. The movement feverishly wants to politically dominate the right and recreate America in its own image, characterized by a deeply-rooted disdain for tradition, moderation and faith, manifesting as uncompromising collectivism and philosophical intolerance, and resulting in (ironically) the widening disunity we’re experiencing today.

Upon what foundation do I build that argument? It isn’t conservatives who are burning our cities to the ground; nor trying to rig the election with mail-in balloting; nor perpetuating this lockdown in an attempt to erode Trump’s support; nor abandon our borders; nor fan the flames of social discontent; nor abolish the Bill of Rights; nor destroy the economy so they can put everyone on the government dole with UBI; nor stage a desperate takedown attempt of the president via a phony dossier, a corrupt investigation, a kabuki impeachment… and the list goes on and on.

The left has no one but themselves to blame for the growing resistance to their extremism, the mass exodus of moderate Dems from their party, and the widening divide in this country. Leftists perpetrated these outrages… and they should not be surprised to find that it’s the conservatives, once they’ve had a gut-full of this crap and have fully lost their patience, to put a stop to it.

The Venn diagram of the formerly United States has lost its center, and the circles are rapidly drifting further apart every day. It’s sad to watch the dissolution, but frankly, maybe it’s time the left and the right went their separate ways. Due to the dramatic leftward swing towards socialism of the Dems, we have a compatibility issue of probably insurmountable proportions. As a result, I do not anticipate a reunification under this, or any, administration.

A peaceful separation could be accomplished by dismantling much of the federal government, restoring original Constitutional sovereignty and responsibility to the states, and let the terms “red states” and “blue states” define more than just electoral leanings every four years. But that’s a rant for another day, I have work to do.