The Epstein Asset: Secrets In the Social Order

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The Epstein Asset: Master Race Media

To understand Epstein one must first understand the nature of secrets and the intelligence product. The nature of secrets is that they are secret. Therefore the more secretive everyone and everything is around a secret the more valuable it is.

Epstein Asset and Products of Intelligence


When secrets are sold for trade or monetary gain as a business, they become a part of the intelligence profession. Because the business of intelligence is secret, the quality of the process and all information on the product must be kept secret, even from the client, even if the client is the people and government, under the flag of a nation.

Each intelligence shop that gathers and trades information must keep secrets from other intelligence shops, even when those shops are defined as agencies within the same government. Otherwise vital intelligence within the shop can be compromised and change the outcome of their operations. When an operation to gain information, begun under one shop gets compromised by other people with other purposes, the methods used to gain accurate information will be corrupted which will alter the outcome.

All sources, tools and techniques for obtaining and eliciting information are called assets and are by nature secret unless turned into a product for sale or trade. Sometimes intelligence asset information is traded as part of the product as an element of trust or as the result of the final product. For instance, the guy you are looking for is x and here is the secret info on why.

Sometimes assets can be compromised in information trade. In those cases an insurance policy is created to assure that the information remains proprietary between the parties. When intelligence assets are persons that can be compromised, they too often formulate their own means of insurance against being compromised. This generally takes the form of vital information held by the personal asset, that will insure that if they come to harm in the spy trade, everyone else suffers as well. The personal intelligence asset is only an asset if their identity is closely held. Otherwise, if exposed they become a danger to themselves and all intelligence shops who obtained information from that person engaged as an asset. There are two kinds of personal intelligence assets. Proprietary ones like James Bond, a shop trained intelligence asset, and independent assets under contract.



No one knows for sure how this global investor became a global investor with detailed knowledge of the inner workings of so many billion dollar enterprises. It is clear that he was never hired at any of his early positions based on experience or credentials. The sources of his funding for his private investment firms are unknown.

Growing the Epstein Asset

Billion dollar intelligence assets like Jeffrey Epstein generally are sharp and instinctual people. As a young lad, He learned to play the piano at age 5, and graduated from high school at age 16, skipping two grades. From there he went into a local college and then left to go to Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. It is in this time frame that initial contact was made.

There are many types of intelligence shops. An intelligence shop may or may not be involved with government intelligence directly. They may be independent contractors who trade secrets with many other shops. They may trade with other shop reps who are connected as an asset to a shop, but never reveal their connection. The hook is usually a simple bargain involving a person with a weakness that can be exploited, and a person with the intelligence to know a good opportunity for reward when they see it. Given Jeffrey's criminal history, one could imagine it was probably a ruse to get Jeffrey to invite someone to a location where a ruse could be implemented against the mark. Jeffrey may have known or had a personal interest in the outcome but whatever the case, the reward was enough to hook Jeffrey into the world of the professional, high grade, intelligence asset he became.

Without graduating from the University, and apparently without a teaching credential, he was hired as a physics and mathematics teacher at the Dalton School on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Here, armed only with a middle class upbringing and a high artistic aptitude, he suddenly exhibited an uncanny ability to to be useful in trading information with the upper crust of society. He taught at the exclusive private school, from the fall of 1974 till he was dismissed for unknown reasons two years later. So valuable was he, that he was able to influence one of the parents of one of his students to recommend him to Alan Greenberg, the chief executive officer of Bear Stearns, during a parent teacher conference.

This ability to trade information was so valuable to Greenberg that he hired him. Epstein quickly took over the special products division, and then advised the bank's wealthiest clients, such as Seagram president Edgar Bronfman, officially concerning tax mitigation strategies. Who knows what else? This from Wikipedia. Epstein became a limited partner.[31] In 1981, he was asked to leave Bear Stearns for policy violations that remain unclear.[23][21] Even though Epstein departed abruptly, he remained close to Cayne and Greenberg and was a client of Bear Stearns until it collapsed in 2008.[31]

But a skilled trader of information, does not need to worry about a job in the real world so to speak. A trader of information makes their own rules, according to their ability to trade information. He remained connected with Bear Stearns as a client after his dismissal, till it collapsed in 2009. He remained a friend and associate of Greenberg, even after that.


Advancement of intelligence assets in the social order

From there Jeffry rose to stardom in the information asset game and became a known commodity within the Intelligence community. He rose through a spiraling expansion of various front businesses that were licensed as financial consulting firms, beginning with Intercontinental Assets Group Inc. (IAG). During this time we see a wide connection to known operatives in the intelligence game. Much documentation exists to establish various connections with government agencies around the world. You should begin immediately to research all this on your own if you wish. We are talking here about how and what this asset means in the natural social order, The natural value of secrets and how secrets can and cannot benefit the natural social order. And in particular, what Epstein's value and use was, and what his potential liability currently is, to the self appointed new world order.

Secrets have two uses. to protect or to attack.

In social natural order, secrets are used to protect the instinctual purpose of the species from those who, are naturally ignorant of ultimate species purpose but who wish to control outcomes. When supremely ignorant people are allowed to coerce the social order to a purpose they cannot truly know, the social order becomes unsustainable in nature and disintegrates, to reform anew.

Since many mistake power over evolution, to be superior to power within evolution, secrets must be traded for protection of rights within and without any society that is formed to allow individual power within nature. The current systems of natural rights protection such as the US Constitution are handled by those elected and appointed to protect rights through government under law. All authoritarianism occurs in individuals and society when one believes they have the power and the right to substantiate through exhibitions of force and power, their view of ultimate purpose for themselves or another.

No one can say what decisions they made to be born or what if any decisions they will make when their life is over. The ultimate purpose of species is unknown conclusively by anyone. Attempting then to control the lives of others to a purpose that can not be confirmed as ultimately true corrupts the natural growth of the social order.

Epstein demonstrated throughout his work that he believed he had the right of evolutionary power over others lives, destinies and values. He transacted lives according to their usefulness to him. He was then, by his very nature a threat to an evolutionary social order and in the case of the US, a natural enemy of the People. So to what purpose then was he advanced in the US and global intelligence community? Is this tied to the apparent high level corruption, being alleged in our FBI and CIA, and if so how did it happen? Here we must put on our big brain and briefly examine the nature of secrets and how they protect species.

The Nature of God is a Secret

Therefore those in the enterprises of secrets are intrinsically connected to the unknown, the source and purpose of all life comes from the unknown. Secrets are tied instinctively to a very important part of our evolutionary process, tied to our first instinct, unfolding the unknown. We instinctively know the value of secrets. In intelligence, secrets must remain completely secret until valuable for trade. In the intelligence business, secrets must be tightly held in secret within each shop. This preserves the quality of the information. In the business of secrets. The highest value of secret gets the highest price and produces the best result for the client. In the transaction of information from the secret process the client gets only the information asked for and agreed to. All other information about or around the client must remain secret for protection of the client and the shop. The client themselves will be potentially endangered with too much info. The higher the value of the secret product, the greater potential danger to the client and the shop.

When the client is the People

Then all bets are off. It's the end of the world, forget everything I just said. I didn't know what I was saying. Epstein is the devil. OH NO!, We're all going to HELL WITH HIM! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Just kidding just setting you up for the big brain part. Are you ready? Here we go.

Since the client (the People) is best protected by only knowing what they think they want to know, how must this work in government? The government must function as the People's Ultimate insurance policy. To do this and protect the People, government institutes oversight paperwork procedures, tied to funding which must be followed. In this case professionals not tied to the political system, inspector generals, who themselves are also tied to a system of scrutiny, examine the files and transactions tied only to specific information and procedures relating to it. All other information is strictly undisclosed or redacted. In a sense the government must forbid itself from obtaining any knowledge it does not have evidence it needs to know, based on prior intelligence information, based on prior information etc. Often spy shops must act in ways that are contrary to the national interest in order to protect the national interest. If the public or it's representatives knows this information, vital secrets will be compromised.

In a murder case for instance a clients basic security may be tied to not involving certain matters, people or involve them committing certain actions. Their hired detective may disagree and say if you don't perhaps implicate your wife, you will be on death row for murder. The shop may have had to engage in deceptive practices, which the client would not be able to officially authorize. The shop may have been required do things the client would personally forbid, in order to get information needed to protect the client. this is where the Jeffrey Epstein types come in handy.

Corruption of the system

The use of government to benefit government alone was the danger the founders of the United Sates sought to avoid. Under the provisions enacted after 9 11, all of the independent agencies were forced to share information under an entirely new system. Information that used to be shared with no one was suddenly being processed through a bureaucracy that did not have a need to know but now had more access to information with which they could now trade. They could now trade with politicians, donors, party leaders and each other, more information than ever before. All very useful to personal careers and power to control events.

You can say this erosion in government overall, was what allowed even the possibility of direct intervention in intelligence gathering to have been enacted. It evolved under many presidents. But over the last 20 years, after 9/11, Jeffery Epstein increasingly became a known asset to a growing number of people, with which he did not have prior agreements and in effect an insurance policy. Therefore he played each one against and in alliance with each other, serving his own interests, with great success, and was in effect too hot to betray and expose publicly. His value and license increased until he suddenly became too dangerous and too reckless, to too many. He had to be eliminated or removed from the public as if dead.

He could not be protected from court case after court case containing allegations beginning in 2008, and convictions of sexual abuse thereafter. His blackmail and insider trading days were over. His new allegations and old were connected to too many powerful people who have too much on the line. All plausible deniability essential in the business of secrets was gone. Everyone in the system knows this, including Barr and the President. How they sort this corruption out and whether they return to proper protections for the people will depend on you demanding they act to protect our rights.

As intelligence unfolds in the news we will address more about the corruption in the intelligence community and US Justice Department, that is becoming increasingly apparent to the general public of all political persuasions. We will address possible alternatives. Until then, this is the Epstein Asset article, ending transmission.

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Primal Instincts Are Rights In the Natural Global Order
The New World Order is far from what the self proclaimed New World Order crowd believe it to be. The evolutionary new world order is a process currently in effect, throughout creation. It's purpose is etched in our primal instincts This is understood by the new master race. The new master race are those individuals who do not attempt to control the outcomes of others. They seek mastery over their own actions in the situations of each moment. They protect under law, the primal instincts to self determine and establish value for themselves and others.

The true master race live according to their nature in the realm of Creation.

Though any authoritarian structure with enough capital and people can control messaging at certain levels, they cannot control primal instinct, only secondary ones. Primal instinct always tells people when the existing social order is out of phase with nature. Our primal instincts are our natural rights of life. All inclusive, and sustainable social orders, must protect them as rights. Those who understand this are already beginning to work in their communities and professions, communicating within and beyond national boundaries. They are forming alliances counter to the emerging, authoritarian global structure, which like all authoritarian structures, must subvert or manipulate instincts, reason and common sense by force.

Because primal instincts define the purpose of a species, and because the purpose of our species is still unknown, any attempt to control outcomes by force is always a disaster for the social order.

These are our primal instincts (and their relation to social order)

Acquire personal understanding of the unknown (God/No god, a matter of belief)
Self determination (both in and out of the social order)
Establishment of value (personal and social habit, lifestyle)
To act and trade value in the social order; (without denying that right to another)
To establish our identity (without forcing it on another)
Any government or individual who denies these rights by force is authoritarian beyond the authority of the natural order. Master race Media reports on news and authoritarian media messaging, as well as other news in the interests of individual and collective evolution in the Natural Social Order. In this order, everyone has a right to keep a secret unless it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the secret was used to deny rights to others.

To learn more about our instincts and how they function in nature and social order please read;

The Philosophy of Instinctualism Understanding Instinct, Inspiration and Intuition
PEOPLE: Learn The 5 Primal Instincts Governing Species Functionality, Survival and Evolution
PEOPLE: Cosmology of Species