The Rise of Anarchy in America? | Michael Malice and Stefan Molyneux

in #politics7 years ago

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In the latest edition of our mock debate series, Michael Malice joins the program to debate the viability of Anarcho-Capitalism with Stefan Molyneux's evil statist twin. Michael Malice is a writer, television commentator, the author of many books including “Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il” and the host of "YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice on Compound Media.

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I think that blockchains and crypto currencies, are leading us to an anarcho capitalistic society, no matter if you like it, think it, talk about it or what ever... it is on the way.

On the other side, I agree that today we "need" statism (or it is the best we have), until we have the proper blockchain systems and more in place (EOS as the first step in my view). When those new systems are ready, then we finally can live anarchy or anarcho capitalism.

Maybe we can debate it in the future, even I am not used to public debates.

So glad to see you on Steemit!

Me too, I have been commenting on Stefans videos on youtube for a while, asking him why he are not on Steemit and here he is :)

I thought the idea of arguing and debating was so that you could find the right answer to complex questions. When I was assigned the "PRO" position on an issue I was against. I asked my teacher, how I could argue for something I was really against. He said "In a debate you don't need to believe in the position. You just want to win the debate." I thought, that is one of the most stupid things I have ever heard. I have felt the same about every debate I have ever seen. No wonder the world is such a mess. People making arguments they don't believe just to win a debate. Instead of just being honest about the problem and the solution. Is it any wonder that big problems never get solved, using such a stupid method to inform the population about issues.
Stefan, glad you are having fun but I could only take 30 min of this. If I wanted to listen to people cut off halfway through their answer and circular arguments I would go watch MSNBC.
I hope you have Michael on again in your normal format, would love to hear more of him.

He should follow this up with a documentary called the Way of the Argument where he does Tai Chi while lecturing you about universally preferable behavior.

That would be pretty badass.

The State is a fictitious entity
Designed to hide the identity of the families that own it.

Corporations are another fictitious entity
Design to hide the names of the families that own them.

Banks are a fictitious entity used to create a fictitious currency.
That is used to control and own the government and the corporations; and keep the identities of the families secret.

Some people want you to think if you got rid of government that would change things: this is a lie.
The government and the corporations are just two pinatas they're set up for you to smack around. Let's say you got lucky and knocked down the state pinata might take them 30 days to set up a new state pinata. York how many governments we set up around the world just gotten very good at it.

Corporations are the same.
You have to take away their ability to create a currency.

This is why cryptocurrencies are so dangerous to them.