Debunking Blatant CNN Fake News Propaganda | True News

in #politics7 years ago

The framing and manipulation employed by many of these current “news” networks is reminiscent of the worst yellow journalism and propaganda in human history. Stefan Molyneux looks at a CNN smear piece negatively framing James O’Keefe and President Donald Trump and exposes the manipulation and falsehood employed to taint the “news” story itself.

American Pravda: My Fight for Truth in the Era of Fake News


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Stefan never says which demographic was (and still is) dominant when the massive, expansionary, education-monopolizing, world-bestriding, permanent welfare-warfare, centralized, surveillance state/empire that is the USA was CREATED (and CONTINUED) I will!

The dominant voting demographic during the time when the major enabling legislation (Federal Reserve Act, Income Tax Amendment, Direct Election of Senators Amendment, New Deal-era Legislation/EOs, Great Society-era Legislation) for the Total State was enacted was WHITE, CHRISTIAN, SOCIALLY-CONSERVATIVE MEN.

Ironically, this same demographic was also in force when the 1965 Immigration Act was passed, LOL. Also for every act which has lowered voting-standards--now any idiot can vote if they've achieved surviving until 18. Also for the numerous undeclared wars since WWII & the election of the absolutely awful Big Govt. 'Conservative' Richard Nixon (who created the EPA, lol) much for whites & their love of "muh limited govt!"

The cancerous growth of the Total State has continued, unabated, despite the USA being in a 'Conservative Revolution' since Big Govt. 'Conservative' Reagan's landslide wins of 1980 & 1984, the GOP takeover of congress in the 1990's, the total GOP takeover of govt. under GW Bush, the Tea Party 'insurgency' under Obama, and, now, yet another GOP total takeover of govt. under Trump.

Stef can blame "dumb brown people", he can make the ludicrous claim that white people (esp. men) "want smaller govt." (which they proved by overwhelmingly supporting Ron Paul in the 2008 & 2012 GOP Primaries--NOT!), he can make the even more retarded claim that voting-in Republican majorities effects smaller govt., but the awful truth is that there is ZERO evidence that his desired white demographic majority (which is STILL the case NOW, btw) has or will produce voting outcomes which lead to smaller govt.

Your precious 'high-IQ' whites do NOT want smaller govt. They have ALWAYS been, in fact, the dominant demographic during EACH & EVERY expansion of govt. power--this is true TODAY as well. Your 'high-IQ' whites WANT 'free' govt. schools, 'free' social-security & medicare (which they idiotically think they "paid into"), an insanely-huge/wasteful military to maintain the USA's global empire, and are not seriously concerned about the nat'l debt (which is INCREASING under Trump & the GOP majority).

Stef, you're full of shit...oh, and Zionist-puppet Trump should change his slogan to "Make ISRAEL Great Again" (MIGA)!!!

@stefan.molyneux BIG FAN Stefan, hear you on Alex Jones show all the time, please follow me! Great article by the way!
