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RE: Cognitive Dissonance: The Most Prolific Psychological Plague of our Time (The War in Syria)

in #politics7 years ago


In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress (discomfort) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values; when performing an action that contradicts one of those beliefs, ideas, or values; or when confronted with new information that contradicts one of the beliefs, ideas, and values. In other words, the term refers to the perception of incompatibility of two simultaneous cognitions, which can impact on their attitudes.
Leon Festinger‘s 1957 theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how human beings strive for internal consistency. A person who experiences inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and so is motivated to try to reduce the cognitive dissonance occurring, trying to “justify” their behavior by changing or adding new parts of the conflicting cognition, as well as actively avoids situations and information likely to increase the psychological discomfort.

Please add proper editing and sourcing of copied and pasted text.

Some tips:

  • Using a few sentences from your source in “quotes.” Use HTML tags or Markdown.
  • Linking to your source.
  • Include your own original thoughts and ideas on what you have shared.

Thank You!


As a so-called "independent journalist," this makes her plagiarism/copy-paste even worse. She should know how to properly cite sources and quote the copied texts.

Agreed @ats-david How unprofessional and trashy of her.

Lol.. trashy? Look at ALL of my other posts and see for yourself, if this has ever happened, before mislabeling my work. I do not write most of my posts on steemit first, so when I transfer them over, sometimes links, pictures, videos do not transfer over correctly.

You really love kissing up to these accounts don't you? Craving attention and hoping they will throw you a bone. I feel sorry for you.

I feel sorry for you. . . Do you want to be added to the list? Keep running your mouth.

I see Bloom sent you... well it's wonderful to meet you David.

Instead of playing a perpetual victim and trying to deflect legitimate criticism, maybe do the one thing that you're supposed to do as an alleged "professional" in your field?

I have a pretty low tolerance for BS like this. Do your "job" and maybe these situations wouldn't exist.

I responded below.. before seeing your second comment. Again, I apologize and will make sure to double check that all hyperlinks and citations are appropriately made when transferring my articles.

You better

Hi Sarah, I truly appreciate your posts and your desire for honesty and getting the truth out about western support for terrorists in Syria. Sorry that there are so many always trying to derail you. As a token of appreciation I have found strong evidence that Bloom and that Kurdish account that spent so much time jumping on your posts and harassing you with derogatory language were 100% factually incorrect when they stated that the Kurdish SDF were NOT working with ISIS. The BBC has now, finally, reported truthfully on this matter and provide 100% factual proof that the Kurdish SDF supplied ISIS with 47 trucks and 13 buses to escape from Raqqa and into Turkey in October. Video here:

Hired gun accounts here at Steemit are, unfortunately, proving to be a problem when it comes to revealing the truth as they hide behind the banner of acting as police of content, when in actuality they are conducting financial intimidation and censorship. In my opinion, Ats-David and Bloom represent one of the worst aspects of Steemit. Look at the size of their wallets and its easy to see that certain governments have decided that monitoring and downvoting content on Steemit is a necessary priority for them. I hope Steemit's leadership can find a way to deal with such accounts that allow for free speech and expression while also punishing those that seek to harass truthseekers rather than expose truth. Personally, I'm not about money as I am financially stable, so I really don't care if they downvote me, but I think that other truthseeking individuals might be turned off by blatant unfair punishment that is dished out by high monetary account holders who seek to censor the truth..... at any cost.

For those curious about this matter, the thread in question and Blooms account info is here:

And now look at @ats-david above, $50,000 in that account used, as they state, for 'slaying' good content, such as Sarah's.

THANK YOU! Bloom is clearly unstable.. I have noticed two other things that he did lately (I am sure there are many more but I was out of town and haven't been on much for the past week). He went on another steemit members post where I had made a comment about living in the country and ranted and raved about me.. neither the post nor my comment was political.. nor did anyone mention him. He is proving to be a troll of the lowest kind. Secondly, he downvoted and hide comments on post about his abuse! How nefarious can one be? Now he has his friends stopping by to downvote and insult my work. I appreciate you having my back.. the TRUTH will not be silenced by a biased, deranged individual such as bloom nor his posse.

You'll notice that in the original article it was hyperlinked. All the other hyperlinks are there as well. Sometimes when transferring articles over from my page to steemit they do not transfer over correctly, I apologize for not double checking that all the hyperlinks were included in my steemit post. I will make sure to double check going forward.

Can you please edit the post to quote the section from wikipedia

like this (put a > in front of the first line

Sourced from wiki

I memba there's some previous issues with bloom - and he's calling out my support for this "plagiarized" article.

Anything not written by you should be quoted and sourced, and then it will be much harder to him to justify his flags.

Hello @Ausbitbank it was past the editing window. I explained that it didn't transfer over correctly from the original article. I apologize.

Corrected. Sorry that he got you involved in what was clearly an unintentional error.

Unintentional. Aren’t you a journalist?