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RE: Proposal

in #politics8 years ago

Thanks for the insightful reply. Those are some excellent, nuanced points. I guess it was a bit of a thought experiment that I've been pondering with regard to the voices and power of voters in the current US election and I was just curious about where else this idea has been explored.


The desire to understand politics and make unbiased opinions and suggestions for change is something we as US citizens are not taught or encouraged to explore. It is one of the saddest aspects of US life in my mind. A free country of the people, by the people, and for the people that has allowed itself to become slaves to corporate greed and politics through sheer ignorance. I love seeing people thinking outside the box and it gives me hope everytime I see or hear people questioning things. I encourage you to keep exploring different lines of thought and learning about everything you can. Make up your own mind. If you want some interesting research material for understanding why the US is the way it is and how it got here, I'll give you a few topics to explore without my opinions attached. The Monroe Doctorine and it's power related to the continent as a whole. Glass–Steagall and it's effects on the direction of the US economy during the first Clinton administration forward. NAFTA and SAFTA and most recently the leader of Mexico, Canada, and the US holding a summit to discuss the idea of "The Amero." And bonus points if you can find information about proxywars and how the US and other world powers use them to violate national sovereignty and manipulate other nations to shadow box each other.