Pros and Cons of Clinton and Trump

in #politics8 years ago

In no way, am I expressing who to vote for, for president. I, myself, still have no clue. This is the year I’ve been waiting for. I can finally vote but am stuck between who will run this country better. I decided well, why not try to write it out? Maybe this could help me (or make me more puzzled.) I’m not the most educated person in politics, so to find facts and turn it into my own opinion was really difficult, but, here’s the list (some points are placed into both, pros and cons):


Donald Trump

  1. To start, the wall. This really could be beneficial. People sneak into this country and although we will never catch everyone, this could really help out.
  2. Trump is against the legalization of Cannabis. A drug is a drug.
  3. Despite allegations of bankruptcy (see below,) he is still a wealthy businessman. He has succeeded with businesses and knows (or acts like) what he’s doing.
  4. “Make America Great Again!” America does have its cons.
  5. He is clear and direct. Although this could potentially get us into trouble, he speaks his mind and isn’t shy about it. He’s blunt and harsh, but maybe we need that?
  6. He believes the Second Amendment should not be changed.
  7. He wants to replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts.


Donald Trump Angry

  1. Again, the wall. This almost sounds childish, even though it sounds like a partial good idea. We have border patrol, so maybe we just need to step it up.
  2. He disregards women. As a woman, I feel it’s unfair for a man running in hope to be in charge of this country would be so rude to women. I’m no feminist, although I may agree with certain situations us women face.
  3. Against the legalization of Cannabis: this has saved many lives and can replace a lot of prescribed drugs while being natural, and from the earth.
  4. As I write this, I’m taking a lot of opinions into consideration, posting them in both pros and cons even if I don’t agree, but, what Trump has to say about abortions does puzzle me. He stated that women should be punished for having abortions and I’m not sure how to feel about this. Personally, abortion is a no for me, but, I do see how in certain circumstances, it may need to be done. These people shouldn’t be punished, however, maybe we do need to change this. If you get pregnant, it’s your own fault (AGAIN, within reason), you should be held accountable for your own actions.
  5. Bankruptcy. I tried finding reliable information on this topic, instead of listening to it from peers. Without using Wikipedia my search was very limited. I did, however, find information of how many people were scammed by Trump University. If all the bankruptcy facts are legitimate, would we really want him as president?
  6. “Make America Great Again!” Aren’t we already great? Yes we have problems as a country, but we are not nearly as bad as others (hence why people come here - for a better life)
  7. Is not politically correct and lies about things.
  8. Taxes?
  9. Believes that climate change is a hoax.


Hillary Clinton

  1. Experience! Hillary was the First Lady for 8 years! Although she wasn’t the president, she got to see first hand how it works: the pressure, the hard work, dealing with situations you don’t always have enough time to deal with. She was also Secretary of State.
  2. The first woman running the United States would be a very large milestone for the United States. Maybe we need a woman’s point of view.
  3. She believes that everyone should pay taxes no matter the class you are in, including the wealthy.
  4. Also believes in the Second Amendment, and that we need to look more into background checks, and that guns need to be kept away from domestic abusers, criminals, and people who are severely mentally ill. She insists on taking out the loopholes.
  5. She wants to strengthen manufacturing in America. Take a look at the tags on your clothing, where are the majority of them from?
  6. Recognizes climate change and realizes the changes that need to be made.
  7. Women’s rights! Women deserve to be equal to men, including wages, paid leave, minimum wage, and standing with Planned Parenthood.


Hillary Clinton

  1. Unfair advantage? Hillary was the First Lady… I mean it’s not her fault, but…
  2. Clinton was at one point a Republican, but now a Democrat… this could affect how she goes about dealing with situations. Would she switch back again?
  3. Increasing minimum wage. No matter how much it is increased, sales will also increase.
  4. She doesn’t see an issue with abortions. I can’t go further into this without ranting. (Yes I’m aware there are certain times this action needs to be done.)
  5. Emails… Should I even go into depth about this?
  6. “Murder” allegations. Do your own research on this and come up with your own decision.
  7. She’s not Bill, but, she’s married to him. His choices in the White House can affect how she goes about situations. Also, would he try to tell her what she should be doing?
  8. Wanting to start another war, this could be a pro… but should we really be sending more troops over?
  9. Is Bernie Sanders going to have a negative impact?

Overall, we won’t get someone who’s perfect. Do some more research, and choose wisely. I still have yet to make up my mind as well. Don’t forget about 3rd party options too!

Vermin Supreme

All images are taken from public domains.


It's going to be an interesting election process this time around, to say the least :)

HRC pros LOL ... you should do an update given what we all know now. #dncleaks