in #politics8 years ago

)With the advent of identity politics, we had unprofessional people, writing theories of why women are attracted to different men.

We also saw the pimp population, wanting to get out of illegal activity, gravitate and start the pick up artist movement, where they taught lackluster, men with more money than sense, how to pick up chicks.

We also saw a movement started by Black men, but that went nowhere until it hit fertile ground in white men, called the MGTOW movement.

A part of that movement sought to explain why women went haywire and destroyed the family, just as it did in the Black community. Unfortunately, due to their lack of education and vision to see the entire picture, they didn't realize that Black and wite people are different.

Quickly, Black men suffered from the US government, directly having a hand inside the Black family by promising the Black woman, all sort of financial assurances that should she NOT have a man, she would STILL be covered. This got translated into, get rid of your man and the father of your children.

White men suffered from evil, greedy, white women that listened to lawyers who said they could steal the white man's riches and give it to them.

Get it? white man rich. Black man poor. That's the propaganda. You couldn't get much more different than this.

However, through research, I discovered something astonishing. Black people actually get married FAR MORE than what the white media tells us. And even more crazy, Black people are 2nd only to Asians in STAYING MARRIED. This research also destroyed the propaganda that Black children are born out of wedlock 70% of the time.

But, that's not what this is about. This is about the debunking of the alpha male.

MGTOW writers kept trying to explain why she left or why she's a slut or why she's a cunt, or whatever they describe white women as.

Briefly, she's a slut, because she's an actual slut. OMG crazy logic, there, right?

But instead of sticking with she's a slut, because she's a slut, they sought to put on that self hate and seek to say that it is MEN who made her leave.

So instead of she's a greedy, sleazy, lemon squeezy whore, they invented the alpha male. Because clearly it is a man with a big dick, that stole your woman. How exactly did all these guys with Black man syndrome tell these women they were Black from the waist down? Apparently they must have plopped it on the table. Hmm I'm Black with a big dick, is that what I should be doing to become "mr steal your girl"?

Sounds pretty stupid and unrealistic.

While there are guys whom girls gossip about the size of it, most guys with big dicks, do not publicize it.

So what does research show?

  • 70% of all divorces are started by women
  • women cheat more than men
  • women abuse men more than men
  • women molest children more than men
  • women get less jail time than men, so they're free to commit more of these crimes more than men
  • there's an entire divorce industry
  • lawyers go after men, because men have the money (actually this is slowly shifting)


The feminist agenda, literally, hid and lied about these stats to paint women as saintly, to get more money.

In fact feminsts had the CDC recategorize male rape as NOT RAPE, so that female rape appeared more prevalent than it actually is. They also hid the fact that female rape is the lowest it has ever been in history, to the point IT IS RARE IN AMERICA FOR A WOMAN TO BE RAPED.

So how does that explain or debunk alpha male? Well, unless you're born with downs syndrome no human is the same, from minute to minute.

  • men follow the man with the most knowledge
  • men follow the man with the best leadership skills
  • men follow the man with the biggest muscles
  • men follow the man that can get them the best deal
  • men follow the man that is the funniest

And so on and so on.

None of these qualities are found in ONE man, and there is no alpha male with even 2 of these qualities.

In fact, each of those guys are ALSO attractive to women. It's the fat lazy guy, with no goals in life, who are normally complaining about not getting a woman.

Meanwhile the 5' comedian is surrounded by girls.

Meanwhile the coupon king is surrounded by girls.

Meanwhile the deep voiced fat muscle guy is surrounded by girls.

There's also a theory that girls slut it out with alpha male and then seek to marry the beta male.

They seem to forget many MANY women marry right after high school. Who's she marrying? A guy she fell in love with in school. There's entire religions that command the young to get married. Wanna take a guy how many of them are studly alpha males? probably none, BECAUSE THEY DON'T EXIST.



The concept of the alpha male was extrapolated from pan troglodyte social hierarchies, it is not something found in human hunter gatherer tribes or even paniscus groups. What the alpha male theorists fail to realize is that their theorized form of society is chaotic and unstable.