in #politics7 years ago

by SGT,

WH Wisecarver is an American patriot and author of the Resurrection series of books, which with book three due later this year, will complete the trilogy. Get your copies of Resurrection volume 1 and 2 here:

Thanks for tuning in.


Thank You Sean for this Posting. I am listening to it while I do some other things online........STEEM On my Brother. UP Voted of Course !!

Thanks for the post Sean, I am enjoying it, and appreciate your work. I noticed that your post uses the Youtube link for the video. Note that DTube (de-centralized video serving) is now up and running, and its direct interface to Steemit (same account and private keys) may interest you as an alternative/additional video hosting service, especially if Youtube censorship continues to worsen.
Dtube resistance to censorship is under test tonight as I type this out... Game of Thrones S07E05... released on HBO tonight, is already streaming to the world on DTube!!!!

Nice post it very usefull thanks

I wish a: We the people resurrection.

i upvoted your post plz upvote me back !!

Thanks for your hard work as usual Shaun :)

You're always a great host and do a great job interviewing and I'm glad you're not drinking the kool-aid either. Wisecarver didn't tell us anything we haven't known or heard for years. I question some of his perspectives and approaches but I am especially troubled that since he's a man who claims it's imperative to know where one came from in order to know where they're going (all true) he was factually wrong on the Vatican's purpose for maintaining the Vulgate. To prove this point, eventually the Bible was translated to vernacular right? Well, we all know how well that turned out for "unity" with some 30K denominations later world wide each proclaiming they all know the truth and have the correct interpretation. Can you say, "divide & conquer?" This makes me question what else is Wisecarver foundationally wrong about. Campaign reform, reinstating Glass Steagall Act and the repealing of PA are not the "big 3," they're the bare bone minimum to turn the ship around. How about no dual citizenships in congress to start off. I'm not drinking the kool-aid either, Shawn