No, They Aren't "Child Concentration Camps"

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Main stream media has been awash the last couple of weeks with stories of immigrant children being separated from their parents and placed in "cages" & "concentration camps". This has predictably inflamed the forever misguided leftist rage mob.

I decided to look up some of these so called camps. A prominent one is the Karnes County Residential Center managed by ICE in Karnes City, TX. (

Apparently today's so called journalists think that nobody has access to Google Images. Would you like to see what this facility actually looks like? Here's the entrance:


Let's have a peak inside, shall we?

First, a bedroom:


Common areas:



A play room for small children:


A children's library:


Rows of BRAND NEW clothing:





Basketball Court:


Wait.... are these children.... PLAYING??


Hang on, they get free schooling too?


Noticeably absent: Cages, barbed wire, armed gestapo, prison uniforms & child labor. This is the crappiest concentration camp I've ever seen.

Entering a country illegally is, well, illegal. But we are not North Korea. We are not WW2 Germany. We are a compassionate country which understands that when an adult commits a crime, and that adult has minor children, those children must be cared for while the adult faces the consequences for their actions.

What would the virtue signalling left have us do?

Leave them on the street?
Throw them back over the border?
Or should we feed, clothe, and house them while their parents are processed for breaking our laws?

Option 3 of course - and that option necessitates facilities to do so. They may be drab, but they are a far cry from this:


and this:


Dear leftists: Your lies are showing. Again.


Very good article. Theyoungturks website mentioned these camps by the name of Concentration Camps. To me that is dishonoring millions of people that actually died by being gassed, mutilated, burned etc in REAL Nazi German Concentration Camps.

Thhe #fakenews is real...

"that is dishonoring millions..."

You are 100% correct and it is absolutely shameful, but I expect nothing less from the left.