"No Borders, No Nations!" - Is The Left Really This Dense?

in #politics6 years ago

In the wake of the latest immigration policy protests I’ve been seeing this asinine chant rearing its ugly head again.

Borders are the foundation of a country and everything within it. Without them there can be no oversight of the territory. If there are no borders, and in turn no nation, then there’s no federal government. There’s no state government. There’s no municipal government. Which means there’s no property rights because there’s nobody to enforce them.

Without property rights there is no industry. There is no housing. There is no farming. There are no public facilities. There are no roads. Who is going to build these things if they can’t be legally protected?

This fantasy “borderless territory” becomes a goddamn apocalyptic free-for-all. Oh, you found a nice plot of land you want to settle on? Tough shit, I want it. I’ve got 10 other people with me that want it too. And we all have big scary guns. Move or die.

And if you think the likes of China or Russia would just sit idly by and let 3.7 million square miles of land and resources be squatted on by a bunch of rainbow flag waving social justice warriors with no military, you’re sorely mistaken.

Dear leftists: Why are you incredibly naive?