The Democratic Party is in huge trouble; Part One: The 2020 Presidential Election.

in #politics6 years ago

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The Democratic Party is in huge trouble; Part One: The 2020 Presidential Election.

Like 'unless steps are taken they won't sniff the white house for thirty or more years' trouble...


Do you remember where you were on November 8, 2016?

I was in a pub in a faraway land, drinking a beer and eating a pizza as I refreshed my phone every few minutes.

Back in 2015, I said when he announced that 'You know he could win, right?'


I was one of two people I know who said this.

I was laughed at. But now no one is laughing.

They're crying.

I believed what I did not because of any fondness for him or any of his specific policies, but because in his run-up to the presidency, Donald Trump tapped into something among the people of America; how pissed off the average American is at having been bent over and given an unlubed pounding with a sandpaper condom by Washington for the last fifty years.

The events of that night created a butterfly effect that will ripple and float through the rest of human history.

As we remember, Trump had no way of beating Hillary Clinton(1).

But he did.

And ever since he did, she just isn't going away...


Her continued media presence leads me to believe they're considering trotting her out there in 2020 for the next presidential election.

While she has the best name recognition, Hillary Clinton represents what exactly brought the Democratic Party to this low point.

In 2016, the party placed all of its eggs in one basket.

Their 2016 election strategy would be akin getting a million dollars from a deceased relative, putting all of it into one coin, taking a crippling loss and then bitching to anyone who will listen that the blockchain is biased and needs to be changed.

As a result of their affinity for Mrs Clinton, the DNC screwed over one of the candidates they had that even though he sounded like an idiot, actually spoke to the people (2).

In backing Clinton so hard, they neglected their bench. Just a few months away from crucial Midterms (more on those in Part Two), they have literally no one who would even come close to defeating Trump in 2020, which could potentially make Reagan's run for re-election in 1984 (that one where he won 49 STATES!) look like a fair fight and not the Great White Shark vs. a puppy bloodbath it was.

Let's just take a look at who they could run against Trump in 2020.

1. Hillary Clinton

There's no way in hell she still looks like this in two years...


Mired in scandal after scandal and out of touch (basket of deplorables = 'anyone who doesn't like me is an ignorant racist redneck!').

I mean come on...

Image: Pokemon Go Will Help Hillary Clinton 1.png

Every word out of her mouth since her loss has been about how it's somebody else's fault that she isn't president.

She needs to Pokémon Go! the fuck away, because she doesn't wear the mantle of 'loser' graciously and every second she has in the spotlight is one second less for any prominent up and comers they have in the party. Her behavior is not only hurting herself, but it's hurting the Democratic Party.

America loved Hillary twenty years ago when she stood by Bill as he was getting his sax blown in the Oval Office - which in hindsight looks now like an early attempt at trying to farm some political capital.

Then they didn't really much care for her when she was running against Obama (though like anyone had a chance, they made him look like God(3)).

As Secretary of State, the first things that springs to mind are the further destabilization of the Middle East and something about a private server in her bathroom.

Nearing three decades in the public eye by 2016, we had full blown Hillary fatigue - compounded further by her continued whining to anyone who will listen about losing a democratically held election to Donald Trump two years ago. As mentioned, if she's seriously considering another run and eventual embarrassing defeat, she should pivot her strategy.

She will be 73 years old in 2020, and she doesn't seem to be a healthy 73, a healthy 73-year-old doesn't fall down and break something every few months(4). It's not even a certainty that she's alive in 2020.

That's without even getting to the scandals which I won't have space for, but information about isn't hard to find if you're willing to look (though it's hardly ever reported on) .

I do find it a little off-putting how so many people who have been close to her ended up mysteriously dead...


Her health is questionable, she has far too many skeletons in her closet and this alleged 'Great love' I've been told the small people have for her and her 'many admirable qualities' have been vastly overstated.

Running her would be stupid, but it seems the Democrats have tossed all logic and reason out the window since 2016.

I doubt it but I wouldn't totally rule it out.

2. Bernie Sanders

'Da wan puhcent!'


Bernie will be a sprightly 79 years old in 2020. I keep mentioning ages because it's important, so I should also mention that Donald Trump will be 74 in 2020.

Bernie resonated with the masses, a lot of people liked his ideas.

Free tuition!
Jobs for everyone!
$15 an hour minimum wage!

And why wouldn't they? What is politics if not a way to monetize telling people what they want to hear?

So while his ideas - on paper at least - were sound, nobody seemed to be noticing as they donated their grocery money and their kids' college funds to his campaign one crucial detail; 'Hey! How is this senile old fuck going to pay for all of this?'

To ask the question is to answer it; he wouldn't be paying for it, you would. I know people more than twice my age that still don't realize that there's no such thing as a free lunch.

So how would you pay? Would the 1%ers, and later 2%ers, 5%ers and 10%ers and so on down the line, be dragged from their homes and lynched in the dead of night, as has happened in most communist regimes?

Probably not...certainly not in America, where the second amendment guarantees the right to own guns and many people, especially people with money, have some form of security.

It would have been a massive tax hike for everyone, but most of all the nefarious 1%.

Massive as in something like 40% Federal and minimum 20% State income tax and a 20% Sales tax.

Both a Soviet-style purge of the wealthy and a giant tax hike would lead to the same thing; anyone who has money grabbing it and catching the first plane out of the country.

Imagine you have a nine-figure bank account, and the government calls for you to give 90% of it to 'the government'.

Do you just do that? No, because if you have that kind of capital, instead of giving it to a bloated and probably tyrannical government to 'redistribute' (spoiler: they keep 80% for themselves and their friends, and give 20% to the people, mostly the people loyal to them) you and your money can just leave the country for one of your residences in a place with fairer laws.

Incidentally, I get the feeling that if such a situation were to come about, we would see wholesale, massive investments in cryptocurrency.

Even people with just a few million in the bank would follow suit.


Everybody is miserable and poor, except for the rich people who wisely took their money and left - they're still pretty happy - and the leaders.

Stalin, the Kim regime, and Mao Zedong ruled over totalitarian regimes where the populace was oppressively poor...but somehow they themselves and their friends were all rich.

We already know that Bernie was not a good communist(5), a crime that would get you killed in a communist country.

America will never be a socialist country, so there goes Bernie's shot there.
But not only that, as previously mentioned he will be 79 years old, and he had seemed frail and weak in the past, famously getting pushed off stage by two women from Black Lives Matter in Seattle (AND DID SOME DNC HEAVY ACTUALLY BEAT HIM?! (15)), but even once you get his policies (which anyone with an ounce of sense rejects) and his age (too old) out of the way...what about his own moral convictions?

If Bernie has the stomach to run for a party that railroaded him in favor of Hillary Clinton the last time around, it doesn't show him as the idealist man of the people he presents himself as; it shows that he's just another beltway opportunist looking to enrich himself and his friends.

Add to this that the DNC recently changed the rules of their party to minimize the chances of 'outsiders' from running under their banner(6) - this was because of the rise of Bernie.

Bernie wants the spotlight and to be an all-powerful demagogue, but the DNC has Burned their bridges, and his about-face alienated a lot of his base (check reddit). But I think if they let him he would run again.

3. Kamala Harris (D-California)

Woman? Check. Minority? Check. Prestige state? Check. Accomplishments? ...uhhhh...


This is who I think the Democrats will run in 2020. At the very least she's going to be in the final round of leadership debates.

A Democratic Senator from California, let's just pretend that a lot of Californians aren't pissed off at the full recertification of California in the last decade.



San Francisco is full of shit - human shit, to be exact, and homeless drug addicts(7), while also somehow being thrice the national average in cost of living.

That magical high-speed train that was supposed to get you from the shit stained streets of San Francisco to the cocaine phonies of Los Angeles in less than two hours? It's a very expensive fiasco(8).

Residents are leaving the state in large numbers - between 2010 and 2016 Texas alone gained almost 900,000 Californians (9).

Governor Brown is openly defying the Trump administration on issues from immigration to Marijuana to #metoo - Trump could cut their federal funding with a signature.

California is looking like a cross between India and Brazil - like India it has feces everywhere, is overpopulated, features a few dozen different languages and a privileged but small Brahmin Caste (Hollywood, Silicon Valley) rules over the increasingly impoverished masses, and like Brazil its a gorgeous and pristine natural environment ruined by an incompetent government.

Great place to visit, one of the last places you want to live.

California is also home to Maxine Waters. She alone is going to deliver half a million votes to Trump in 2020(10)...and sadly she's a dark horse to be run in 2020, and if that happens then well, if you thought 2016 was hilarious...I wouldn't say it if it wasn't possible.

I don't know if I really see someone from California resonating with the rest of the country, especially since the defining characteristic of the California elite is that they're better than the rest of the country, and the state is up to its eyes in debt and problems mostly self-inflicted.

She will be in there and may even win the party nomination - just in time to get put through the meat grinder in 2020, but she's young enough to keep herself in the national race for 20 more years.

4. Joe Biden

I’m just gonna come out and say it...what’s with the weird child touching?


I'll just leave this here...


Sometimes a meme says things better than any writing ever could...


Joe Biden will be 78 years old in 2020. It's possible but not likely - running an established older name instead of 'playing the kids' (that's a sports analogy, not what Joe Biden is doing in those pictures) is exactly what got the Democrats into this mess in the first place, but given their unhinged lunacy since the election, any and every stupid idea is on the table.

5. Cory Booker (D-New Jersey)

Once more... a minority? Check. Female? No, but possibly gay so he's equally oppressed. Hates Trump? Oh, that's a big check...


He's the right age (51 in 2020), the right skin color, comes from the right state and has a lot of influential friends and name recognition.

He's definitely a name I can see up there with Kamala Harris in the final round of the debates.

Granted, as mayor of Newark there was some corruption(11), but aren't all politicians (and therefore all mayors) corrupt?

But what I could see bringing him down isn't that - it's that his upbringing in privilege and affluence won't really resonate with potential voters, if indeed the Democratic Party is the party of 'the working class', but I think that of all of the names listed, he has by far the cleanest record and most qualifications.

I wanted to stop this at five names, because among them I can see it now; who the Democrats run in 2020 will certainly come down to Harris and Booker, maybe Biden or maybe a more moderate and lower profile candidate (Tulsi Gabbard? Joe Manchin? Heidi Heitkamp?), but a very interesting horse had just showed up at the barn.

6. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

'This time we can reeeeeeally make socialism work, guys!'



A 28 year old Socialist who grew up in squalor in New York City.

And she's a woman?!

And she's a minority?!!!!!


This is the Democratic Party when she won her election last month...

Image (gif):

But once you peel back the layers, you see the same old thing.

She identifies as a 'community organizer' and 'political activist'...because the last community organizer that ran the country did such a bang-up job, doubling the national debt, using the IRS to spy on opponents and sending race relations back to the 1940's.

As it turns out, she didn't really grow up in poverty(12).

I am absolutely shocked that a 28 year old Socialist who grew up in privilege has no clue how the world works!


Also turns out she's a bad Socialist(13), once failing to evenly distribute tips after a busy night at the bar she worked at. All animals are equal but some are more equal than others, I suppose.

Have you noticed that none of these Democrat politicians and figureheads are practicing what they're preaching?

Al Gore puts out doomsday porno An Inconvenient Truth saying oceans will rise thirty feet in thirty years if we don't stop greenhouse gas emissions - buys an oceanfront mansion and flies around the world in a private jet.

Harvey Weinstein claims to be a champion for women - rapes a bunch of them.

George Clooney says Europe needs to let in all the migrants they can - sells his villa in Italy when his town becomes swamped with migrants(14).

Bernie and this girl? They want socialism...for you, but not for themselves.

She is far too young for 2020 (she will be 31 at the time, gotta be 35 and older to be president in America), but what we see happening here is the grooming of a Manchurian candidate; similar to Obama, who himself came out of nowhere (I don't buy into the whole 'birther' theory, but why is so much of his bio, including his Columbia transcripts, still sealed?) , Ocasio-Cortez is a 'long game' candidate. Expect to hear her name more and more by 2028 or 2036.

But luckily for us...lots of time in there for her to destroy any credibility she builds up by saying or doing something stupid.

I mean just look at her damn platform!


Abolish ICE? Anyone can come to America and just decide to stay.
Weapons bans? You can't defend yourself.
Climate change? Taking more of your money!
Higher taxes? Still have money? I'll take some more!
Free stuff for Dreamers? So the people who came and just decided to stay don't need the burden of a job or income! Why is it always 'the dreamers' and not American citizens that deserve free stuff?

Try to think of something more un-American, you probably can't.

And finally, and this might not mean very much...but look into her eyes...


Are those the eyes of somebody who's calm, balanced and trustworthy?

The Democrats didn't lose the election because of 'Russians'; they lost because they backed with all of their financial muscle (at least two billion dollars) a very poor candidate.

They lost because instead of campaigning on things people cared about, like jobs and national security, they put all of their faith into social justice, which they're continuing to do today.

They lost because they seem to care more about the plight of Dreamers, undocumented immigrants, and Middle Eastern refugees than the plight of the Americans they're supposed to represent.

They lost because they have the attention span of a goldfish - I'm not joking; two months ago their hot button issue was gun control. Then it was babies in cages. Then it was Trump's most recent Supreme Court pick. Now it's 'how dare he meet with Putin!'. Next week it will surely be something else.

And they will lose again in 2020 because they keep doing all of that. They've become the party of causes without actions.

Some people dedicate their lives to improving the station of Dreamers and recent immigrants, and that is admirable.

A LOT more people claim to care about those things, yet contribute none of their money or their time to them, so they're just grandstanding to score points.

And even more people say 'Not that all of that isn't important...but I kinda have to worry about putting food on the table and getting a better job first...'

And THAT'S why Trump won; imagine becoming the president of America by doing things for Americans.

But there is a way back up for the Democrats - well not in 2020 and probably not in 2024.

  • Stop running the minoritiest candidates just because they're minorities, and then saying people who don't vote for them are racist.

  • Cool it with the coastal elites from New York and California, who all went to the same schools and are connected to all the same people. Try running someone that most people can actually relate to.

  • Stop it with the socialism. Stop saying things like you're going to repeal the Republican tax cuts, because that's what people will vote for, giving their money to other people who didn't earn it.

  • They have to make great strides in the November Midterms. Not impossible, certainly more possible than a Democratic president in 2020, but getting harder every day and with each victory Donald Trump racks up.

I will discuss these crucial Midterm elections in part two of this piece next week.


  1. Relax, Trump can't win...

  2. Wiki Leaks proved democratic primary...

  3. Obama deification...

  4. Hillary falls in India...

  5. Bernie Sanders kicked out of commune for laziness 1971...

  6. DNC rule change may block Bernie Sanders from running 2020...

  7. San Francisco complaints feces and syringes...

  8. Latest overrun could cost taxpayers 3.6b...

  9. People leaving California...

  10. Maxine waters incites violence...

  11. Newark watershed corruption staggering...

  12. Ocasio-Cortez faces questions over 'working class' background...

  13. Ocasio-Cortez doesn't distribute tips...

  14. George Clooney sells Lake Como villa...

  15. Bernie Sanders bebeatt DNC?... Pokemon Go Will Help Hillary Clinton 1.png

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