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RE: Is bigger government always worse than smaller government?

in #politics8 years ago

I totally agree with your statement 'the best measurement of the evil of government is not it's size, but how much it destroys freedom.' Our freedoms are being destroyed from left, right and centre...we are presented with two different political parties at election time, when in reality they both pursue the same freedom destroying agendas.
Centralisation and globalisation are big enemies to our freedom, and as far as I can see one part of the agenda of 'The Power's That Be' is to keep centralising power so that there are no nation states, only 3 or 4 organisations, like the EU for example, ruling the people, then eventually down to one world that you need less people to control the people of the world...I have always thought big government is bad, in terms of inefficiencies, but when only a handful of people control billions of people, that is even worse


Good points sir! Don't change your opinions based on peer pressure!

Thanks for your comment Adconner :-)