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RE: Our unique patriotism - Thoughts on the conflicts to come

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Oh, most certainly America is far from perfect today!

In fact, at present, as a "CAPTURED Corporate Nation," the "United States, Inc," is corrupt to the absolute core!

Despite such clear observations, the most perfect thing that we currently have in our favor is having the status (basis being the victors of World Wars-1 and 2) and the egregiously flawed and corruptly charted appointment as the (buyer of last resort) placeholder of "money" amid the fictitious “World Reserve FIAT currency paradigm” amongst all western nations.

A false status I might add, which has indeed brought about the onset of BITCOIN, STEEM and the entire world of crypto-currency as it currently exists today.

The ideology of the Patriot’s I most admire, and the patriot I consider myself to be, exists firmly and exclusively within in concepts surrounding the sovereignty of the individual, in keeping with my own beliefs amongst the many who believe firmly in the implicit limitations of the "state" (government) and in favor of the endless empowerment of the individual over the state - the total opposite of what we have today.

Sadly, the “Constitution” upon which America was initially founded has been shat upon so completely, that as a so-called “Country,” the "United States Inc." no longer operates nor exists under the absolute laws and constraints upon which this once great nation of "America" was founded, along with the tenets upon that which made this coveted concept of America truly great, and the shining beacon on the hill for all the world to aspire to.

Yet, the powers that be still insist upon riding upon the coat-tails of such, which have long since been forever frayed into the oblivion of non-existence.

And yes, "the United States Inc." is now in many respects, the world’s most major threat to peace and abundance throughout the world.

War on Terror? or War on Self?

Puleeze people, “The United States Inc.,” who has clearly used the immoral and empty facade of "democracy" to hijack the “Republic of America” for which it once stood, is now global enemy/“terrorist” number 1 alongside Israel, collectively whom pose the greatest threat to humanity at present and into the foreseeable future.

Nonetheless, I’m still a patriot at heart – that is an “original patriot” for those keeping track – and in no way am I empathetic nor aligned with the duplicity and hypocrisy that claims false ownership of the "original" America to which I firmly align myself, and to all that she once stood for.

Peace, Love, and Justice for All


I would just like to add to this that you are a badass @passion-ground.