They Are Demonizing Robert E. Lee/ Happy Birthday General Lee

in #politics7 years ago

"Do Your duty in all things. You can never do more; you should never do less."

Yay!!! I figured out a really cool way to express what i feel, or good points that i don't think of. For this blog i am posting excellent quotes from the comments section of the documentary i watched in order to honor my Fave Ghostie on his birthday. Copy and paste is Da Bomb. Happy birthday, General Robert E. Lee, PBS American Experience: Robert E. Lee, comments from Youtube, Marrowbones gives Us a lesson from an Elder, my review of the film, Lee’s farewell address to the army of Northern Virginia, Robert E. Lee's letter to General Winfield Scott, and who sponsored this documentary will be presented in this blog.

"In this enlightened age, there are few i believe, but what will acknowledge, that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil in any country. It is useless to expiate on its disadvantages."

Happy Birthday, General Robert E. Lee
an article in the on Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Sir Winston Churchill once said, 'Lee was the noblest American who had ever lived and one of the greatest commanders known to the annals of war.'

Do young people still hear stories about George Washington, Booker T. Washington and Robert E. Lee? There was a time when schools and businesses closed in respect for the birthday of one of the South’s favorite sons -Robert E. Lee.

Friday, January 19, 2018, is the 211th birthday of Robert E. Lee, whose memory still weighs dear in the hearts of many Southerners. Why is this man so honored in the South and respected in the North? Lee was even respected by the soldiers of Union blue who fought against him during the War Between the States.

Robert E. Lee died of a stroke at 9:30 on the morning of Oct. 12, 1870, at Washington College. His last words were 'Strike the tent.'

The church bells rang as the sad news passed through Washington College, Virginia Military Institute and the town of Lexington Virginia. He is buried at Lee Chapel on the school grounds with his family and near his favorite horse, Traveller.

On this his 211th birthday let us ponder the words he wrote to Annette Carter in 1868: 'I grieve for posterity, for American Principles and American liberty.'

Lest We Forget!"

Calvin E. Johnson, Jr.Director of the Georgia Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Confederate History and Heritage Month Program

"You must think as kindly of me as You can and believe that i have endeavored to do what i thought right."

PBS American Experience: Robert E. Lee
on the channel of George Turner
Published on Aug 17, 2017


"The education of a man is never completed until he dies."

Comments from Youtube

3 months ago
"See.....Even PBS says that the war would never have happened if Lincoln never called for the 75,000 volunteers.

Virginia voted against secession nearly 2:1. It was Lincoln's call for "volunteers" to march south that turned a 2:1 against secession into a 2:1 for secession."

Louis Milum
3 months ago
"I feel this documentary is an example of the rewriting of history and yet another example of bias documenting. Had the North never sent their troops across the sovereign state, there would of not been so many casualties. Had the North did the same as Great Britain and bought the slave's freedom, maybe it would of been different. Either way, the Lost Cause was something worth fighting for in that our government has went too far in centralizing its power over the individual, perhaps something that Robert E Lee saw in his time."

Eric Ness
4 months ago
"it's just amazing how stupid people are they're unable to understand history took place in very different contexts. If you say the confederacy was evil because it adopted slavery, you're also admitting the founding of america was evil, that most of the the other new world powers were evil, many modern africans are evil and the whole of islam is evil.

If you were a state that voluntarily came together to form the USA you did this by rebelling against the crown....then 75 later youre told oh wait youre not able to rebel. If you join a club you have the right to resign. not saying it was good at all but just sayin.."

Kilpatrick Kirksimmons
3 months ago (edited)
"Slavery, while awful, is hardly the only reason why the Confederacy has its well-earned poor reputation. Equally important is whether or not states have the right to settle by force the Federalist/Anti-federalist debate which our Founders settled by reason. Most Americans, then and now, would answer "no, they don't." Since 1788 this has been a Federal Republic, not a voluntary Confederacy. The South tried to operate as if the Articles of Confederation were still in force and the Constitution had never been written. Big mistake, as it turned out."

Darrell Tullier
3 months ago
"I have studied Robert E. Lee for most of my life and I have never read or heard anyone accuse him (Lee) of being a glory-hound! That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! If anything, his goal in life was to repair the Lee name, which his father severely tarnished! But to say he mindfully set out to become historically significant! BULL-CORN!!!!"

"I cannot trust a man to control others who cannot control himself."

Marrowbones Gives Us a Lesson from an Elder

3 months ago
"I am 65 and I own three books on RE Lee, part of a very large library, that is comprised mostly of history books. An entire section is of American Civil War books, some of them source books. The first one on Lee was actually also about Grant and the end of the CW, called "Lee and Grant at Appomatox." I bought it in 1961 at the Custis-Lee Mansion in Arlington as a nine year old boy. I've studied these issues around the CW, Reconstruction, and all the social history since. I have never seen such a perfectly executed example of Frankfurt School Critical Theory as is present in this documentary. The way it is presented, the adjectives used, what is emphasized, what is left out, and the outright lies, such as that Lee lost half of his army on the third day of Gettysburg. They put in some imagery of the Southern men panicking and running. The part on CSA military court functioned just like the Union and every other Western military army or navy of the period; discipline was harsh. Gettysburg was a Union victory only because a very unpopular U.S. general named Custer prevented Jeb Stuart from crashing into the Union rear on that third day at the time of the Charge. Every way to downplay anything they possible can is exploited, overdone in this documentary. Accusations of how he felt and thought are surmised and suggested over and over. Lee may well have decided as an old man that just being a home body all his life and running a plantation would have been better, but I think Lee was honest enough to know that he had done the best he could with the cards he had been dealt. That is my impression from my reading. This documentary is aimed at setting up momentum for more political pressure for things like the racist and anti-American 'White Privilege' movement, which goes against the exact principles the Union fought for; the idea that every man be judged for how own merits, not his father's or his father's failures. It also seems to jive well with the timing of the movement to tear down statues. And we have Al Sharpton now calling for the Jefferson Memorial to be destroyed. Well, all these peoplel suffered and died to find how this nation might work best. And the Marxists have instead intervened, used race to divide and brainwash the shallow minded, virtue addicted out there that America means setting scores right by engaging in activities such as they had in Soviet Russia and Communist China under Mao; re-education camps, extermination of undesirable, deplorable groups, tear down the politically incorrect monuments, erect correct ones, etc. And from the comments I read below, it largely succeeds. But America is almost all gone and all that blood, on both sides, slaves included, was in vain.

3 months ago
Take a look at pages 176 to 180 in regards to the claimed incident of his mistreatment of the slaves at Arlington. This particular set of details have been avoided in order to vilify Lee as a cruel taskmaster. What I find interesting about Lee is that he did not believe in democracy. He must have read Alex de Tocqueville's criticisms of the U.S. He said that America might be ready for democracy in a thousand years. He similarly felt that although he was against slavery; slaves should be slowly introduced to it, prepared over time, even generations. That is also the opinion that Booker T. Washington held, an opinion that extremists like WEB DuBois violently objected to, and hence the NAACP. I think history right up to today, shows us which is the probable path to wisdom. Even the author of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' ironically surnamed, Lee, turned out to have written a book supportive of those same ideas, which then become dangerously close to being plain common sense.

3 months ago
One more note from a primary source that this mockumentary ignored. This film went out of its way to assassinate not only R E Lee's character but also his father's. Yes, he had some financial problems with land speculation, but he was also Governor of Virginia. Both father and son are recorded as loving fathers and husbands who adored their children. Could it be that he was not the first American soldier turned politician who had problems? We might look at U.S. Grant's life. I also have a sourcebook biography on him. His time as POTUS was full of scandal. Will PBS do a documentary on Grant in the same style? I somehow doubt it."

Bravo Marrowbones :) may You be blessed )O(

"I have been up to see the Congress and they do not seem to be able to do anything except to eat peanuts and chew tobacco, while my army is starving."

My Review of the Film

The film says some ugly things about the General and how bloodthirsty he was, but reveals a real Southern Gent throughout. I did pick up some oxymoronic statements that are evidence of biases in the commentary.

Robert E Lee absorbed the strict and selfless ethic of the armed forces at West Point. At 21 minutes they admit that he told his son not to join army, and that Mr. Robert wanted to leave army but didn't know how it was possible.

At 30 mins we are informed that on April 12th, 1861 President Lincoln called for every state in the Union to provide troops to assist in putting down rebellion after Ft. Sumtner. Virginians looked at this as a federal attack on the sovereignty of Virginia and claimed it was not about slavery. Lee was asked to take command of the US Army by Lincoln to which he asked to be dismissed from it, altogether. He stated that he could not lead an army that would invade the South, his homeland. It Seems Like Fort Sumtner was Just Another American False Flag @

34 mins tells us that he went to Richmond Virginia on a summons, and he was compared to George Washington and offered command against the federal tyrants. General Robert E. Lee would be the military leader of a country fighting for Independence.

36 mins tells us that he was called him Granny Lee because he wouldn't attack in lieu of digging in for defense.

Robert biggest mistake.jpg

"The biggest mistake of my life was taking a
military education."

Lee’s Farewell Address to the Army of Northern Virginia

"This 1866 lithograph by a Baltimore lithographer commemorated the occasion of Robert E. Lee’s farewell address to the soldiers of the Army of Northern Virginia, following its formal surrender April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House.
Text---After four years of arduous service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources.

I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them; but feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that must have attended the continuance of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen.

By the terms of the agreement, officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from a consciousness of duty faithfully performed; and I earnestly pray that a Merciful God will extend to you His blessings and protection.

With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your Country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration for myself, I bid you all an affectionate farewell.

Ernest Crehen, active circa 1860–circa 1874, after photograph by Minnis and Cowell (active 1860–1865)
A. Hoen and Company lithograph company (active 1848–1981)
Lithograph, 1866
National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution"

Robert E. Lee letter.jpg

Robert E. Lee's Letter to General Winfield Scott

Arlington, Washington City, P.O.
20 Apr 1861
Lt. Genl Winfield Scott
Commd U.S. Army
Since my interview with you on the 18th Inst: I have felt that I ought not longer to retain any Commission in the Army. I therefore tender my resignation which I request you will recommend for acceptance. It would have been presented at once but for the struggle it has Cost me to separate myself from a Service to which I have divoted all the best years of my life, & all the ability I possessed. During the whole of that time, more than a quarter of a century, I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors & the most Cordial friendships from any Comrades. To no one Genl have I been as much indebted as to yourself for kindness & Consideration & it has always been my ardent desire to merit your approbation. I shall carry with me, to the grave the most grateful recollections
of your kind Consideration, & your name & fame will always be dear to me. Save in the defense of my native state shall I ever again draw my sword. Be pleased to accept any more [illegible] wishes for “the Continuance of your happiness & prosperity & believe me
Most truly yours”
R E Lee” (Lee, 1861)
This whole letter has been included for reader consideration. “Save in the defense of my native state shall I ever again draw my sword” as penned in the last of this letter indicates that Mr. Lee may have realized he’d be on the offense if he served the Union during the Civil War.


Who Sponsored this Documentary???

Liberty Mutual Insurance, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities witha government seal, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

A pic of the General's Ghost in the clouds at one of his monuments

Robert's cloud face.jpg

Robert face in clouds.jpg

The Ghost of General Lee - Waylon
Jennings @

Johnny Cash - God Bless Robert E. Lee @

Other Blogs on this Subject

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It Seems Like Fort Sumtner was Just Another American False Flag @

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Divide and Conquer Must End @

The Real Reason for the Civil War {War Between the States} & Besides Slavery is a Biblical Concept @

The Welfare Dilemma is Breeding Ignorance in America or Maybe the Black Man Needs to Take Care of His Own & Stop Blaming Whitey for Everything??? @

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What Did President Licoln Say, the Morrill Tariif Act, & Masonic Connections??? @

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