Polite criticism in politics
I entered a shop 2 barb my hair. On getting there, i had 2 wait 4 my turn. That place look like market place with a heated argument. What were there arguing about?. They were arguing about politics. If there's one thing i've learnt, it's the fact that the best way to win an argument is not to engage in it. What i find hard to believe is why adult will draw swords to defend leaders that doesn't know if they exist. There's no best argument. Everybody think they are making sense hence, nobody will agree what another person is saying. Anyone that argues with a stammerer may be in FMC to tell the story.
These guy being a chronic stammerer was pounding his chest like George of the jungle to oppose what his co-debater was saying. He threaten to beat up anybody that oppose his view point. It was really bloody. He came out and off the generator. He pounced on the guy who he felt, insulted his opinion. That's how far people can go to oppose and propose what they can't grasp. Blind followership in her mentality is really bad. It breeds separation. The idea 2 belong n believe and to see those who doesn't as enemies.
When you believe the government of the day is performing, there are those who believe it's the worst administration ever. We judge base on how it favours us. I asked a friend these question:
Can you sincerely tell your blood brother who is a governor, who u immensely benefit from, that he's incompetent? He was dumbfounded. What is good governance?.
Ask a generator mechanic if having an uninterrupted power supply is a big deal and you'll be shocked at d response you'll get. Having a corrupt free country simply mean that so many people will b out of business. This is d fears of many. Take away party, tribe, denomination, sect, cliques, etc, d people will unite. It can't happen in a world of differences where everything is opposites.
There are few people who know these things. Who embrace their individuality. Who have independent thought. Who maintains neutrality. The change start from us.