Free Speech in Politically Correct World.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

  Recently in Australia, the internet was set on fire by outraged social justice warriors when Sonic Kruger, a TV personality made comments regarding Muslim immigration and the ethics of LGBT scholarships.  

Personally I think she is on the right track, although she may have gone a bit too far, especially with the comments regarding Muslim immigration. My opinion of her comments and the comments themselves even are largely irrelevant however. What is concerning, but not surprising is the absolute furor that Sonia was met with. Calling her a bigot, a homophobe, demanding that she be fired as a television presenter, and worse.  

This is the world that the politically correct cult of social progressiveness has us living in. A world where free speech is championed, so long as it doesn’t conflict with the dominant narrative.  Someone makes a rather tame comment simply questioning whether a scholarship targeting children’s sexuality is based on merit, and rather than debate statement like a rational person would, the response is to immediately label her a bigot and a homophobe. She doesn’t completely agree with our cause? She must be hateful and evil. It’s ironic the intensity of abuse she received for such a moderate comment from people labeling her as ‘hateful’  

But this is representative of a deep problem within the mainstream discussion of political issues in western society. Free speech is championed only notionally. Making any statement against the generally accepted narrative is labelled as hateful and silenced. In Australia there are laws explicitly labeling any statement that could be considered offensive as a criminal offence.  

It is considered acceptable to lash out at the hiring of a movie star because she is Israeli, but not acceptable to consider whether we should be cautious in allowing immigration of peoples from areas that are well documented to be exporting terrorists. Is acceptable to decry the traditional view of gender as “hetero normative” and harmful, but not to question whether children as young as ten years old should be encouraged to question their sexuality and gender. 

For better or worse, a public vote is to be held soon in Australia, where we will be deciding on whether the definition of marriage should be redefined to allow same sex couples to marry. Already there are statements labeling any comment by the “no” campaign as hateful, and therefore illegal under the previously stated law.  

Clearly this is a perversion of not only democracy, but the idea of free speech. If we are to move our society forward, we must be able to openly debate each issue, rather than silencing the opposition. Otherwise how are we to disseminate and communicate the facts and views of the population, so as to make an informed decision?  Remember the age old saying “Use it or lose it”. If we stand by and allow people to be silenced, then bit by bit we will watch our freedom of expression erode to nothing, and the rabid and vocal minority will be allowed to dictate public discourse.    


We are living through one of the worst times for honest media I can remember.

We no longer have real journalists eager to bring us honest news. No, We now have main stream media using Twitter and Facebook as their main source of information and their litmus test for public opinion.

And what is the point at which a story becomes relevant from the mainstream media's perspective?

I believe it to be around 100 likes or 100 re tweets from the right "kind" of hyper liberal regressive's and its deemed front page news!!!!!.

This then creates more backlash from similarly minded drones, and then politicians pick up on it and start enacting laws based on that shit.

OUR lives for the foreseeable future are being driven by a relatively small group of hyper regressive liberal activists who HATE the west and HATE democracy and CHAMPION true patriarchies like the Islamic world!

We have a very unstable few years ahead, but im not going down quietly.

I would agree, it’s almost impossible for any one to be their entirely true self and to express them selves freely, in a society that has become entrenched in political correctness. As you described a true democratic society, should be open to variance of opinions. I don’t see this being realized, as the majority of the population (including my self) are mainly guided by their emotions, which throws a big wrench into the thought process of rational thinking. A perfect example, would be the 'War of the Worlds' radio broadcast. Nobody sought to question and were guided by their emotion of fear. Those who are aware (mainstream media) exploit this information to their advantage and through mind control shape the dominant public's opinion. We only have the illusion, that we actually have free speech. Corporations, ultimately pull the strings.