
Don't expect anything that highlights or implicates the deepstate's criminal activity on MSM, because there are only a handful of incredibly wealthy people who own nearly all of the communication companies that own all of the media; which include network television, print and radio. Those owners are supporters of the huge network of corruption, because they are only concerned about maintaining their influence for self-enrichment. It becomes quite noticeable once a person stops watching television, as all of the programming is focused to push their narrative on their viewers. You see people who are heavily influenced by MSM spewing/regurgitating those ideas in comments and replies, because they are incapable of independent critical thought. But of course, this is only my opinion.

I agree.My comment meant to be sarcastic.Facebook and Youtube targeting anyone,not just conservatives,who speak the truth.I know it from first hand.That's why I'm on Steemit :-)

That's awesome

I should have included the internet social media as well. Youtube, Facebook and Twitter for example are heavily pushing their narrative; while suppressing and censoring outspoken conservatives and labeling anyone who questions their narratives as extremists. Again, just my opinion.