Trudeau's silence means complicity in the age of Trump

in #politics7 years ago

Trump's family is complicit. His legion of faithful surrogates on TV and in Congress is complicit. His cabinet is complicit. Trump's senior advisors, enlisted allegedly to rein in his contemptable impulses, are complicit. The more than 63 million Americans who elected him president and continue to be loyal to him are complicit.
The international poster boy for this much less explored or acknowledged form of complicity is that champion of bumper sticker progressiveness and feminism, Canada's dauphin prime minister, Justin Trudeau.

Asked earlier this year whether Trump's testosterone-fuelled braggadocio on Twitter could trigger a nuclear holocaust in the Korean Peninsula, Trudeau, in effect, opted for silence.

"Donald Trump has demonstrated that he's a bit of a disruptive force. He does unpredictable things and sometimes they have positive impact, sometimes they have negative impacts. It's not my job to opine on, you know, what it is he chooses to do,"