When Pornstars get Genocidal

in #politics7 months ago

Lets be honest - porn is one of the Greatest Artforms that humans have ever invented.


And pornstars are much more respectable than politicians. There isn't a single person in Washington that wouldn't give you a blowjob for a dollar.
Hookers have standards - politicians don't. Pornstars on the otherhand - have their own production companies. And they create more jobs - than any politician has in written history. They virtually blow away the competition - sometimes two cocks at a time.

Mai Golan then is much higher on the pecking order of society than Kamala. Despite her numerous exploits Kamala would never make a penny on OnlyFans. Who would want to pay to watch a washed up hag stuffing herself with a red, white and blue dildo on the Presidential desk?
That's the sort of thing that only Hefner could dream up - and finance.

The murderous Mai on the otherhand is a whole other bottle of lube. Yes, it's a little past its "use by" date - but lube is lube.


The Genocidal Jew is entirely capable of creating her own genre of porn - much like Mia Khalifa did with her hijab.

Mai talks dirty genocide.

“I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did”

Imagine her saying that while grinding her oversized (circumsized?) clit into your face - you Hamas terrorist you...

I think we got something here Brazzers... are you listening?

How much does the Knesset pay her anyway? Pretty sure if she were offered a couple shekels more, she'd be happy to get signed.

Even on Blacked... Raw.

And just like that Lebanon will no longer be remembered for Hesbollah and Mia Khalifa.

It's a damn shame we can't get Jenna Jameson into the White House. Just imagine what competition she'd bring to the Trump and RFK Jr. team.

Build Boobs Better!

Instead of Geriatric porn - like the Biden show - Genocidal porn could actually be marketed to emerging markets - like Rwanda. People there would get it.


It's ironic though that Israel has to be the one to have to come up with these novel ways of ruling the planet. But I guess that comes with the whole "God's Chosen" thing.

The Goyim need to be distracted while we get rid of them...