How to Fuck a Genocidal Maniac

in #politics5 months ago (edited)

So, imagine you ask someone out on a date - and midway through dinner, you discover that she works for the IDF...


What do you do?


Sure, all Israelis are technically soldiers in the IDF - but since the slaughters on the strip - the way she stabs at the steak makes you wonder if there's a pound of flesh from your body that she'd be happy to remove - when she discovers that you lied about being Jewish and have never been circumsized.

Heck you even eat pork.
And shellfish.

But she's hot - so you want to at least make it through the night without setting her off like a malfunctioning grenade.

I'd suggest not trying to conjure up any images of mutilated bodies of children hanging off building as you scroĺl through your social media feed - or, worse - order watermelon slices for dessert.

Seems like it was only two decades ago - when you had to be careful not to mention the words "suicide" or, "bomber" when hanging with Muslim chicks. How quickly social taboos change. Islamophobia is a things now.

Zionistophobia isn't even a word, yet.

Jewish girls are tricky. Zionist Jewish girls who work for the colonial (bank-cartel run western empire) as professional child butchers - are trickier.

I'd suggest leaving out inflamatory words like "Genocide" and "Palestine". Especially avoid using the words "Bomb" and "Hospital" in the same sentence. And no fishnet patterns on the table - not even on napkins.

Keep the conversation light and friendly. Talk about Taylor Swift - and how she sometimes looks like a boy who got sexually reassigned when very young.

Avoid topics like Puff Daddy and Jeffery Eptein altogether. Primarily because she may be too young to recall when the Puff turned into P-diddy. Epstien on the otherhand - conjures up too many Mossad associations and images of little children.

No woman wants to be reminded of how many kids she had to shoot in the head.

Maybe after sex - but not during dinner. There's a time and place for everything. Post orgasmic coitus talk is when you ask her about her sniper kills. It's a perfect break-up starter.

Dinner is when you can get her to let her guard down. Keep the alcohol flowing. You need to get her just drunk enough to forget your foreskin is still attached to your dick but awake enough to ride - reverse cowgirl style. It's a tricky business as I said.

At the end of the day, you - the opportunistic Goyim - want only one thing out of the relationship. And it's important to keep this in mind. Jewish girls are easy (when they think you are Jewish too.)

Should a large scale nuclear war break out and the IDF along with the corporate entity that funds it be anihillated - at least you would have some great tale to tell the children of the barbaric new world - how you - lil' ol' you - FUCKED A ZIONIST...