Assassinations R US and the Rise of the NVAs

in #politics5 months ago (edited)

Yes, of course the President of Iran was taken out by a stinger smuggled into Azerbaijan from the Ukraine. Anyone who thinks that one minor puffy cloud caused his helicopter to fly into a mountain probably also has had fantasies of Hillary Clinton pegging Obama while Michael - excuse me, "Michelle" - gets himself off in the corner watching them.


Hillary Clinton is dead. Get over it. But I'm sure she's plugged her first cousin/husband Bill quite a few times - between episodes of orgiastic ritual sacrifice of nubiles with her lover Huma.
The CIA (and the late Hillary in particular) - get off on extra-judicial killings. Ask Gaddafi for details - assuming you can dig them out of his corpse.
But something is different about the latest spate of attempted state-sponsored neutralizations.
Let's start with Abe. Having refused to mandate forced vaccinations, he was apparently taken out by an assassin with a makeshift gun. Rumours abound that his demise was exaggerated, and that he is still lurking in the shadows somewhere - selling US Bonds. But let's give the WEF a benefit of a doubt. So they killed an ex-Prime Minister of Japan. Not exactly world-shattering in impact.
Then came the attempted assassination of Imran Khan. And in this, they TRULY fucked up. In fact, they fucked up so badly - the CIA had to do full on coup to take him out. He seemed like the kind of guy that Putin could talk to. The kind of guy that would nuke Israel to protect Gaza. The kind of guy that would - and did - survive a CIA assassination. Not the kind of guy that they wanted in charge of the ONLY Islamic nuclear power on Earth.
The reason they (and by "they" - I mean the usual bunch of Italian families behind the CIA and all governments) tried to take out the Slovakian Prime Minister was pretty straight forward. He was on to them like white on rice. Rejecting the WHO mandate to take over global genocide via vaccines was the straw that broke Tedros' back. I mean, the veternarian/communist head of the WHO barely got started on his Cow-Flu lockdown to prevent Trump getting into office again.
Oh, I'm sure they have back up plans for Trump too. Not that Trump isn't part of the Game. He just doesn't ALWAYS play along as they insist all selected "leaders" do.
Trump is still taking credit for warp-speed vaxes. And apparently, still on the side of mass-murderer Benjamin "Bibi" Mileikowski. But it's hard to tell everything going on behind the scenes with him. Needless to say, another helicopter crash (real or otherwise) may be in the cards. Soon.
I speculate, of course. I'm not psychic.
A few of the assassination you may have heard rumours on - are hard to decipher. The attempt on the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia for example. Hard to understand why that would happen - unless it involved the BRICS. Mainstream media seems to have blown it off as fake news - despite the dead royal bodyguards.
Iran's Chief of Intelligence also seems to have been "Mossaded." But it's not like that hasn't happened a dozen times before.
Unlike state-sponsored assassinations though, the killing of one of richest Jewish businessmen in Egypt marks a return to a more civilized era. Assassins were more than just hired killers back in the day - they were the people who levelled the playing field. In this case, the assassin made it clear - he was acting in favour of the children of Gaza. A Nobel cause for a Vigilante Assassin.
The Rise of the Nobel Vigilante Assassin is something I see as a hopeful sign of returning virtue. Unlike your state-sponsored "terrorist" who gets funding from the Pentagon's black budget or, Erdogan's piggy bank - the Nobel Vigilante Assassin (NVA) acts of his own accord - and dispenses justice like a Dark Knight in Batsuit. I don't see how that is a bad thing - given that nearly every institution has been corrupted by fiat currency created out of Orsini family IOUs.
The NVAs are fully capable of generating precisely the kind of change society needs to take it out of the grasp of the Death Cult. And no one is safe, no matter how high up on the All-Seeing Pyramid you are.
If not for the NVA's we'd still all be wearing togas and JC would mean the Lord and Saviour Julius Caesar... and most of us would still be slaves and be fed to lions for entertainment.
NVA's change history. States simply run history into the ground. NVAs cannot be bought and therefore cannot be controlled. Unlike the lone gunmen of the Kennedy era - and by this I don't include patsy Lee Harvey - who certainly had no idea he'd be made part of American history the same way other CIA assets were (Tim Usman and Sadam to name but two.)
No, the NVAs I'm talking about are those who - for some reason or another - end up in the same arena as the Emperor - and have the means, motive and opportunity - to take him out (like the movie version of Maximus and Commodus.)
A more accurate and historically recent example would be the assissination of the Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her own bodyguard after her ordered storming of the Golden Temple. Like it or not - that dude was an NVA. He acted out of his own conviction. He chose his target only because his target was within his reach. He had means, motive and opportunity. And history altered its course entirely after that moment.
The poor lady who took out Indira's son Rajiv, however was basicaly a just pawn in a larger game. As far as anyone could tell, she was there to carry out a planned global agenda.
The NVAs are however, are free and independant entities. They act of their own accord. But unlike the local garden variety angst filled incel - they don't target the innocent. They act - perhaps for the first and only time in their life - out of pure personal insight and conviction.


I fully expect a spectacular rise in NVAs in the coming months - and years. As the common people realise that they're all in an open air prison - same as Gaza - waiting only to be exterminated, the only path forward will be the one they least desire to take. And yet, will have to - simply to allow their continued existence....
And that of their children.


Hay montañas de información en Rumble y Telegram que aportan pruebas de que el misil fue vendido por cierto general ruso corrupto. El mismo general que a menudo se alojaba en el resort de Trump en Florida.