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RE: Now that the election is over, let's get self-righteous in our assumptions!

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The most silly are those who say "I have predicted Hillary/Trump to win 6 months ago" and then get into verbal masturbation boasting about it.
There was no way to properly predict the winner bwtween any of these 2 candidates. The whole campaign was too random, unpredictable and chaotic until the last moment. Just like a flip of a coin.

Btw, the logical falallacy of such duality that you mentioned is called false dilemma or false dichotomy"
All our social problems denominate to people not being able to recognise logical fallacies in their communication (altogehter with mechanics of monetary system and scientific illiteracy). Therefore they also support politicans who are not able to recognise them.


Aha! False dichotomy. Thank you. I was hunting around in my head for that term. I believe fear and logic are often enemies, and with media constantly promoting fear, it makes it difficult for anyone to clearly assess what choices are present let alone who will succeed. It makes it harder still when we surround ourselves with like minds. We can easily assume the world is reflected in our friend circle, but that is also false because we have catered our circle to our personal likes and needs.

Fear is being used by those in power as means to control.
I agree that is staying in the bubble-circle of friends can sometimes limit our experience and exploration of the society/world around us.

I posted once about types of logical fallacies. Maybe this advice will come handy.

Excellent! I think I need to bookmark these. It is very difficult not to ascribe to these fallacies in communication because we tend to become reactive and set logic aside.

I'm glad that they have been of help.
Yes, sometimes it is hard to apply these when our emotions take over. Mindfulness techniques help in staying assertive and logical with "Spock mentality" :-)