Whatever you may think of the Catelonian referendum, beating up voters is wrong

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I can't believe I'm even having to say this, but after checking out more comments on Catelonia especially by the media who try and go "Well it was an illegal referendum" as if that can somehow justify beating up voters and Nigel Farage is completely on point here in defending the Catelonians. In fact I don't understand why the fuck everyone isn't defending them. They have every right to vote, as he points out, it's even in the U.N charter, the right to self-determination.

The media especially as we've become used to now are acting like a bunch of elitist political thugs and seem to have zero shame in insinuating just because the spanish referendum was illegal that somehow means the police were justified in what they did. For those who don't know there was an illegal independence referendum that took place in Catelonia the spanish government responded by sending in police who then attacked people with batons and apparently 900 odd people were injured.

What's next? Are we going to see police across Europe now beating up people who try to get others to sign a petition in the street or organise an unofficial poll?


There's another interesting aspect to this though, the Catalan government seems genuinely serious about going independent, apparently they're even looking at the creation of a cryptocurrency so they've thought about the logistics of it all properly. However as I've seen pointed out by other people watching the situation, a big question is raised over whether or not this cryptocurrency will be inflationary, if it is inflationary then this will be a more short lived revolution than what the spanish anti-capitalist Anarchists in Catelonia attempted back during World War 2.