Theresa May's 'Transition Deal' is shit for everybody

in #politics7 years ago

Whether you're a leave voter or a remain voter I'm afraid Nigel Farage is completely right, this is a cop out, this is Theresa May conspiring against us to give us the shittiest deal possible. She said herself many times, especially during the campaign "No deal is better than a bad deal" however I'm starting to think that the conspiracy theorists were completely right about her after giving her a chance because she does look like a remain supporter who is trying to wreck absolutely everything because she doesn't want to see Brexit succeed. Much like Gina Miller and her ilk, claiming to support democracy and 'respecting' the referendum result and then doing everything in her power to ignore the will of the people.

This is also no time for remain voters to be smug as I have already seen them inevitably behave in the comments sections of the Guardian and the 'independent'. This deal really is terrible, because we are not only unable to fully leave the EU and form our own trade deals, we are likely going to be forced to pay even more money in the long run as long as this stupid transitional deal lasts than if we were to actually stay in.

They are extorting us and the only people who will benefit from this are the political class and Brussels and I knew back when the referendum was announced the only way they could possibly fuck up Brexit was if they screwed around and that is exactly what they are doing. Just like with almost everything they've ever done these politicians are trying everything they can to delay any decision so they can stay in power.

It seems I'll have no choice if Theresa May stays as PM for the Conservative Party but to vote UKIP because there's no way in hell I'll be voting Labour, we'll have to see what happens in the next couple of months and whether or not someone will try to unseat her. The only time I could ever be assured about voting Conservative now if the people in charge are all staunchly leave because the remain politicians in particular want to fuck up the process as much as possible.

There is one possible option I'm thinking of though, that might actually end up salvaging this, if Theresa May doesn't get her transitional deal through or if she gets unseated, we could end up with a lot of bickering and uselessness amongst the parties. That would be fine too, because you see we've already activated Article 50, this would then mean that everything defaults to use leaving the customs union and single market anyway but we'll have to see.


@lethnpolitics Its very interesting info.. Good post keep it up.