Why 200 DOJ officials are correct in signing a petition to keep Mueller and Rosestein on.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago

Let's get it straight. The Trump scandals are not Watergate. If you read any historical account of this time, any allegations from Watergate do not pale in comparison in Trump's scandal. Watergate involves all kinds of illegal scams to prevent Nixon's enemies from speaking out and threatening his electoral viability. Nixon did not need to engage in Watergate. Nixon was just a paranoid delusion man who had low self-confidence his ability to win reelection. In fact, evidence suggests that he would have won in a landslide. But as a paranoid personality, Nixon had to resort to illegal measures just to assure that he would have won. Had he did not resort to the illicit actions of Watergate, the historical account of Nixon would have been vastly different.

The Trump scandals reek of paranoia of the Nixon administration but in a different way. Trump probably had committed obstruction of justice when now becomes an impeachable offense. In fact, the amount of material evidence suggesting Russian collusion is not significant. What is significant is the definitive evidence of obstruction of justice. Mueller is laying down a straight path for impeachment based on obstruction of justice.

The obstruction of justice charge is a low-level felony compared to the multiple crimes committed by Nixon who was a real crook. If the President did commit a low-level felony while in office then Congress should remove the President from office. The President should be held accountable to a standard that prevents the obstruction of justice. Nixon and Bush committed actions that I consider to be worse crimes than what Trump did.

We cannot go back and change the facts of history, especially with President Bush's crimes. We can start a precedent to start scaling back the powers of the Imperial Presidency by letting the Mueller investigation complete its course and let the final results be delivered to Congress.

The Hill reports that 200 former DOJ people that served in a wide range of positions and who have a broad range of ideologies signed a letter of support that Mueller investigation to run its course. It is essential that the advice of these people be followed so that the federal justice system does not become tarnished by a rogue President who lacks the proper temperament for the position. Also, the Department of Justice officials wants the department to maintain its independence so that the Department does not become a tool in which President can use in a witchhunt of his enemies.

The bottom line is that Trump just needs to let go and let Mueller finish his work without causing more problems that increase the likelihood that he would commit an indictable offense of obstruction of justice. He should never have fired Comey and just let the investigation run its course. He would have been ultimately cleared while Manafort and Flynn go away in cuffs (Flynn to serve about a year and Manafort could spend a few decades in prison (most likely 20 years). But the problem is that Donald Trump is too much of a blockhead to critically think and plan out the ultimate objectives of these investigations. And that might be the one thing that lets his Presidency sink into the sea.