Paul Ryan Wanted Tax Cuts PeriodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago

Here is one of the hypocrisies of Paul Ryan. The Washington Post reports

"What kind of politician puts a $6 trillion tax cut for the rich in his deficit-reduction plan? Or a $660 billion tax cut for big earners and big businesses in his health-care one? Or adds $1.5 trillion to the debt so he can give wealthy investors and corporations, yes, yet another tax cut?

Well, in Washington, apparently a “fiscal hawk” who's famous for warning that “we've got to tackle” our alleged “debt crisis before it tackles us.” That, after all, is how House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, who just announced his retirement, has most often been described. Pay no attention to the tax cut in front of the curtain — his real passion is attacking red ink with the earnestness of someone who thinks the words “budget baseline” are exciting. It must be true! He has said so himself!"

One of the real goals of Paul Ryan's Ayn Randian viewpoint was to restructure the welfare state. But it was always the secondary goal. The primary goal was the tax cuts for the wealthy.

Compared to Pete Peterson who viewed the budget deficit as the problem, Paul Ryan only cared really about the tax cuts. The wealthy believed the tax cut would improve their net worth and Paul Ryan's primary goal was to deliver on that goal.

The great thing about Paul Ryan is that his sick plan to turn Medicare into voucher plan will now become a relic of history of failed attempts to rid this country of the New Deal and Great Society programs.

I understand that the program needs to be restructured for its long-term viability. However, Paul Ryan's plan is not a realistic way to do it and was never feasible in the first place. For Ryan, the tax cuts were the low hanging fruit and he finally delivered to his donors.

Good riddance to Paul Ryan. I will not miss you.