Alternative Civilization wiki announcement
Alternative Civilization wiki announcement
I'm making this blog post to let you know that I just added a wiki Alternative Civilization wiki onto my website. Please click on the links to check it out. I will be adding more segments to this wiki in the near future. Please check back from time to time. More to come. To give you a taste, some selections from that wiki are below.
Preventing Our Enslavement and Our Self-Annihilation
Here is some background which will help to provide context to forces driving and reasons for the formation of an alternative civilization. One could think of the four videos here as a sort of a prologue for the topic of the formation of an alternative civilization.
Below are some videos relevant to preventing our enslavement and our self-annihilation.

Here are some of my comments. The most important video is the last one. The prior videos help to provide context. If you don't want to watch all the videos, skip the first one or two or three.The last video especially is speculative, based in spiritual revelation, not evidence-based. To me, this info highlights the phrase “There is something glorious birthing within all of us” which was given to me internally on 14 Jan 2021 in such a momentous way that I put it into my email signature. This info is cause for celebration. This info is also a warning. It suggests that the next couple years may be challenging. Our decisions in the near future may be more critical than most time periods in history.
On one hand, it seems to me that we are in danger of self-annihilation. On the other hand, we may have an opportunity in the next few years to usher in a civilization of peace and prosperity in a trajectory of progressive enlightenment which could endure for thousands of years. For whatever reason, it seems like our thoughts and actions in the near futur4e will have disproportionately high leverage for our collective future. Because of the current dynamic, it feels appropriate to me that we feel a sense of urgency. I’ve been teaching for a long time, that, regardless of whatever crazy situation may present itself, we will always want to respond with love, not fear. This imperative seems particularly important now.
I’ve been teaching for a long time that, regardless of circumstances, we need to respond with love, not fear. We can prepare for whatever circumstances my occur in the future, whether or not we have recognized indications which act as harbingers. As part of that preparation, it is important to prepare mentally and spiritually.
I encourage you to go within. When circumstances get crazy, it is important to look within your heart to know what is the best thing to do and to receive guidance for what is for the greatest good. We must have courage to follow through with things which may be difficult, given the circumstances.
We need to remember that circumstances do not define us. Our decisions define us. So, I’d like to offer this reminder. Regardless of circumstances, respond with love. We are the love of god, not matter what.