Opinion: Tax The Rich More!!! They are too dumb for all of that money.

in #politics4 years ago


Mayor Bloomberg has committed over $100 million dollars to the elect Joe Biden campaign in Florida alone. This after he burnt a billion dollars on the saddest presidential campaign in recent memory, his own. If he had a time machine, do you think we would go back and tell himself to not get into the presidential race? Probably not. He would probably tell his past self to spend more money on the campaign and really double down on being as obnoxious as possible.

Imagine if he would have given that money to individual voters as on overt bribe? He could have given any American a hundred dollars and it would have ensure their vote in the primaries. I know this is illegal, but I would rather have corruption out in the open, and my television and radio cleansed of his uninspiring campaign ads.

If Mayor Bloomberg is reading this and would like to know how to surely win the next presidential election, all he would have to do is follow The King of America and donate 500 million Steem. The King's vast network of Americans and International Americans will work tirelessly to ensure that this plucky little guy makes his way to the big chair.

If you would like to work on the very lucrative Elect Mike campaign, follow the King of America for updates and job fairs.