Taking Guns Away Would Leave American's Open To Genocide?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

With that said, take a deep breath and follow along. (No, this post isn't justifying taking yer guns.)

A family friend/counselor of mine I used to see weekly for 5+ years, someone who's intelligence I hold to a very high standard, told me something interesting today.

While discussing the state of the world for the first time together in 6 months, he had mentioned his new, biggest worry about our country and the planet, which is government taking guns away from its people. His reasoning? "If you look at history, government was always able to suppress and genocide its people since they couldn't defend themselves." Maybe for example the Holocaust/WWII.

Now I don't know about you, but an armada with the highest caliber, deadliest guns wouldn't protect people from bombs, drone strikes, gas attacks, tanks, missiles, ect. for long. Those are weapons off the top of my head, we're talking about a government that has a $700,000,000,000 budget.

Quick question to the reader: Why do we even have a military? What is its purpose?

The talking points can be argued back and forth and have been for seemingly ever in modern times when it comes to guns and what we should do with them. Just like the arms race with Nuclear Warheads, once guns are manufactured and distributed, they are there to stay, unless well we get rid of them. However, facts do not lie, FAR more people have been killed on our own American soil by guns & police than by any 'terrorists' or outside threats to date, and anyone who's smart enough to create a Steemit account can Google the numbers just fine.

I personally, as if my opinion matters, agree that we shouldn't take guns away from people. That is HIGHLY unrealistic, which drives me to the point of this post: Stop letting the mainstream media twist the term 'gun control' to make it look like politicians such as Bernie Sanders are trying to take everyone's guns away. They are trying to pass stricter gun laws, keeping guns out of the hands of obviously deranged and BAD people, not coming to your house to take yer guns. (Which would probably cause a civil war.)

Couple more points before my first Steemit blog post rant is over: Try and put yourself in the shoes of a child in Yemen, or ANYWHERE that has conflict on its own soil. How safe do you think those innocent people feel? Compared to your humble white wall apartment or house all the way across the great oceans of Earth? Don't let the fear mongering trigger your primate brain. You are safe.

We have bigger issues to worry about & discuss, ones that kill people daily right here at home. Such as particle pollution in the air we breathe, our crumbling & outdated infrastructure, the millions of sick people who can't afford their medication or doctor visits or even healthcare at that, mass shootings that aren't getting better only worse and more frequent, people are being extremely marginalized in the melting pot that is modern times, higher taxes for poor people & the worst wealth inequality history has ever seen, the EPA that's supposed to protect our environment was gutted of climate scientists & regulations, warm and cold snaps happening everywhere unlike anything we've ever seen take place in recorded history, both sides of the political spectrum voting to de-regulate wall street which is exactly how the market has crashed in the past, politicians who vote for their donors & not the people who elected them. Obviously I can go on, you get the gist.

So tl;dr - No one's EVER coming for your guns, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL & on the real issues that face our country and planet. These are the issues we should be discussing at the dinner table. History & the welfare of our kids & grandchildren depend on it. (also the hundreds of thousands of different species of life that share this planet we tend to never think about)

My name is Justice, this is my first blog post on Steemit. You'll be seeing a lot more of them.

Take a stance, The Resistance. The resist stance.


Genocide follows every confiscation going back over 200 years.
China took the guns then brought out the Mao youth brigade.