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RE: yep we have gotten this stupid in america

in #politics8 years ago

Yeah I saw this! Sad part is that it didnt even surprise me hearing the rediculas perception many blacks had. It shows not only the hypersensitivity to offense that the black community (and Left in general) 'choose' to live in.

Its like this video I posted about the mother who comitted suicide by cop. She shows us..on she was raising her wonderful boy how to grow up hating cops. This boy..and many like him..are being 'programmed' by blacks! into a criminal life. How likely are these boys going to be successful go getters when their mothers/communities are raising them with nothing but hatred towards others and a morality of being owed?

But you cant talk about that aspect of blacks holding blacks down. No. It 'has' to be 'white-privlidge' and a 'systemically' racist American 'patriarchy system'...omg Anything 'but' self-responsibility. And you try to save the American Republic? You automatically become a hateful..kkk supporting...racist Nazi. Uh..noo...i just think our free Republic happens to be the best political system on Earth to actually fix and deal with problems of things such as racism as avtually proven by its history...da