The Two Party Illusion & Legalized Corruption in America

in #politics5 years ago (edited)


With the election campaign in full swing, and billions of dollars being spent in an attempt to convince you to vote for one puppet candidate rather than the other puppet candidate, it’s time to reexamine this massive fraud that will once again ensure the survival and perpetuation of the oppressive imperial oligarchy we call the United States. It should be noted the United States is a corporation - U.S., inc. - so it should be no surprise to learn the so-called elected officials are in reality more akin to selected corporate executives.

For those to whom it still isn’t obvious yet, the (s)election process is a massive propaganda show put on to convince the people they have a say in the direction of the corporation. But they don’t. Only the investors and shareholders have a say in the direction of the corporation. And the investors and shareholders are not individual voters but mega corporations and their lobbyists, particularly from Big Pharma, Big Banking, Big Oil, Big Food, the Israeli lobby, and the Military Industrial Complex. This explains why the US is always spending obscene amounts of its money - tax-payer dollars - not primarily on services that would benefit the population but rather funding the war machine ($700 billion/year), bailing out banks, funding Israel ($10.5 million/day), actively suppressing renewable energy alternatives to an oil-based economy, investing in Big Pharma and using large amount of the $6.2 trillion Covid stimulus to fund Big Pharma vaccines instead of cutting the working man a larger check, giving legal immunity to Big Pharma and punishing natural medicine competition, using subsidies to make Big Food bigger (and richer) while putting small farmers out of business, and the list goes on and on and on.

It doesn’t take a a genius to realize that if the (s)elected officials, regardless of their party, continue to use their authority to perpetuate some of the most widely unpopular paradigms and programs among the American people - such as the endless war(s) abroad in the Middle East and banker bailouts - then these so-called representatives of the people obviously don’t actually represent them, but rather represent the corporations which they serve - the war machine, Big Pharma, Israel, and so on...

Did you know? In reality, Americans have zero affect on public policy, at all, whatsoever, and this has been demonstrated with extensive research. That’s right, in this supposed ‘democracy’ or democratic republic, of the people, by the people, and for the people, the people who ‘vote’ their ‘democratically elected’ ‘representatives’ into office actually have no influence over the choices those ‘representatives’ make in determining government policy once (s)elected. None. Zero. Zilch. A Princeton study actually found that any idea, whether supported by 0% of the population or 100% of the population, has a 30% of becoming a law. The amount of popular support or opposition to measures does not have the slightest influence on whether or not that measure becomes law or not.


On the other hand, the richest 10% of the population - the corporations, billionaires, and lobbyists - the economic elite have tremendous influence over whether a measure becomes law or not. If 0% of the economic elite support a measure, there is a 0% chance of it becoming a law. And if the economic elite are in agreement in support of a measure, there is more than twice the chance it will become law than measures unanimously supported by the general population.


The economic elite have the power to stop any measure they oppose from becoming law, every single time, ensuring that any bills which would limit their power or influence never become law. And over time, the majority of measures designed to fund, protect, and empower corporate America, become law. These measures are written by and for corporations who literally buy Americans politicians with their money and influence. Corruption is legal in America, and until that changes, the people will continue to have no power to influence the government that supposedly represents them. Until this changes, the greed-driven corporations, Zionist Israeli interests and imperial war machine will continue to run the corporation they essentially own, known as the US government.

Below is a great short video on this subject by Represent US, entitled Corruption is Legal in America - I highly recommend watching if you haven’t seen it before.

Besides giving the people the illusion of choice, the (s)elections are even more so about keeping Americans bitterly divided against one another down party lines. As long as the illusion of opposition between the two parties exists, then the division between Americans loyal to one of the two parties will persist. Meanwhile, both political parties serve the corporation, U.S, inc., and by extension its shareholders and investors which are also their sponsors, not the people who falsely believe they are electing representatives when they cast their vote on (S)Election Day.

And since the corruption of this two-party illusion has become more and more obvious to people in recent years, the people are convinced to support one party or the other more and more out of a great fear of the other party, more so than loyalty to their own party. The result is still the same, and Americans remain bitterly divided against one another, rather than uniting in opposition to the one system which is oppressing them all. People who are terrified of the results of one party having the power vote for candidates from the other party, and vise versa. Blinded by fear, the voting masses are like a group of people perched on a large bird which is deadlocked on a crash course which will destroy them all, with half who are focused on the direction of the right wing desperately clinging to the left wing, and the other half who are focused on the direction of the left wing desperately clinging to the right wing, instead of jumping off of the bird in order to avert their destruction.

In summary, politicians do not represent the people who vote for them. This is why political candidates always tell the people exactly what the people want to hear, but almost never keep their campaign promises. They are paid liars. Their job is to do exactly what their corporate sponsors pay them to do, but to deceive voters into believing they represent them, their constituents. If they told people the truth, not only would the people no longer be voting for them, there would likely be a revolution by the next morning.

The amount of money spent on the federal (s)elections by these corporate sponsors is mind-boggling, and likely to be over $7 billion in this campaign of 2020 if the trend of increasingly costly elections continues.


This is the amount of money being spent on advertising for politicians of the two parties, to convince the people to vote for candidate A rather than candidate B or vice versa, to ensure that whichever candidate is (s)elected, they will continue to represent their corporate sponsors and the system which serves the oligarchy rather than the people. This is the amount of money that could be spent towards alleviating all the problems politicians promise to address but then never do once they are (s)elected - billions that could be spent to feed the hungry, to create housing for the homeless, to provide medical care to the poor, to fund free/renewable energy that would benefit us all, etc. - billions instead spent on campaign advertisements promising you a better future while at the very same time ensuring the perpetuation of every societal problem.

When we take a look at the top campaign financiers and political lobbyists, it becomes incredibly easy to see who is really running the show.

Top 2020 campaign contributors so far:


Over the past 22 years, Big Pharma has remained the single top lobbying industry spender by far. Insurance companies come in second, and we can thank the alliance between auto insurance companies and state governments for mandatory car insurance laws across the country, and health insurance companies for helping to drive American healthcare costs through the roof. Electric utilities make up the third most powerful lobby, which, together with Big Oil coming in at sixth place, are largely responsible for the suppression of free energy technology. And Big Tech ranks third, not surprising given the close partnership between big tech companies and government these days, so close that the line between public and private has become almost indistinguishable. (source)

In 2019, the defense industry spent over $112 million on lobbying, in the top ten lobbyist spenders, but the military industrial complex is certainly the most powerful of all, with an entire half of total US spending going straight to ‘defense’ budget!

In the words of Alison Weir, “The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the United States.” The truth of this statement is evidenced by the clear influence it has upon nearly every US congressperson, and its seemingly total control over US foreign policy. It works hand in hand with the military industrial complex. A list of many of these powerful organizations can be found in Weir’s article, An Introduction to the Israel Lobby.

The sooner the people realize that their (s)elected officials neither represent them nor care about them, and thus stop playing the two party game, the sooner humanity will be able to realize the solutions it is seeking for its many problems. Solutions are a subject for a future post, but they will not come until people recognize the problem and stop putting their time and effort into fueling the problem.



Excellent post as per usual. Good job here. Reposting.

Hey, are you still out and about free? Dad moved to Utah, got cold in Wyoming. I don't think he's ever coming back. He says he's comfortable in his little short bus and enjoys being by himself.

Here's the latest picture he sent me.....

More wild horses.JPG

Thanks! If you aren’t on Hive [dot] blog yet, check it out, pretty much just a Steemit clone with much more interaction than on here nowadays. Should be able to login with your Steem username and password, many ppl aren’t even bothering to post over here anymore...

I’m still free for now, currently in Montana, getting ready to head down to Utah for a bit in the near future. It got cold and dumped snow where I’m at, but then warmed back up, and now back in the 70s/8s again! I don’t know if I’ll do this forever, but I am content for now, besides the difficulty in finding short-term work with a dog and most places looking for long-term employees, and indoor jobs requiring masks no less. Can’t wait for this covid nonsense to end, but have a feeling it will linger on for all too long unless more people begin standing up against the madness...

After Utah, before I run out of cash I think I’m gonna try to find a good fit on a farm to trade part-time work for room and board, sounds like fun for a while, and there’s a whole network of organic farms made just for that.. And maybe if I’m lucky, Trump will have another round of covid stimulus checks, or maybe I’ll stumble across a good work opportunity for a couple days. Really all I need is a day or two of work every month or so...

Take care, and stay sane and free out there, it’s a crazy world right now for sure...

The snow was crazy for early September, a solid 6 inches!


Good idea about farm help. Given COVID travel restrictions I hear they need the help.

The canvas hot tent was a wise investment wasn't it?! Dad has a small heater and solar panels, not the same. That little bus isn't well insulated either especially with all those windows! Stay safe my friend.

I will be backing off the platforms here soon I think and am not interested in Hive. All the trouble went there and are witnesses over there. Of course, the void they left was quickly filled. Too old for the drama. I'll still read other people's posts on steemit, Weku, and Uptrennd but I will be spending my time elsewhere rather than posting. BitChute I think will be the last one I end activity on. Getting time to go dark online so to speak. I will need to focus less on the virtual world in a month or so I think. Gonna get real.