The End of The World As We Know It - PART 2.

in #politics8 years ago

Not that long ago I wrote a post with various statistics that were rather hard to define as there were so many different sources of information all over the internet.

"The End of The World As We Know it - EUROPE and it's inevitable future!"

The post was about how Europe is going to change and there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it, as history has proven that once the child birth rate ratio falls under a certain number (to married couple) that the culture/nation is going to die out, become extinct in approximately twenty five to thirty years.

These posts are not to excite anyone or scare anyone, these posts very coldly and bluntly just look at facts and figures as they stand. No supporting anyone in any manner form or fashion. So now that I have set this straight and made sure that the potential "finger pointers" understand this we can move on.

So, not being a fatalist, but in fact being a realist, taking into consideration the geopolitical facts which can be clearly seen in the following maps, it is obvious that Europe shall not be anything like what it is today, let alone what it was in the past.

I quote the conclusion from my earlier post on the topic:

"It is irreversible with the current figures/statistics, general public ignorance and policies in EU states."

What exactly?

I quote a quote from my previous post:

".......Many people out there for what ever reasons have quoted Libya’s former leader/dictator, Muamar Gadaffi from 2006 who stated the following:

“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that allah will grant islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a muslim continent within a few decades….“........"

So lets have a look at these maps to see why the population of Europe is changing the way it is:

islamic world now.jpg

The above map clearly depicts the countries of the world in which laws are based upon islam.

The below maps show countries where muslims have a very large voting influence:

countries in which muslims have rule or influence.jpg


So when we take the real world immigration figures, the depleting (dying out) ratio of children being born to married couples in all EUropean nations and the geographical fact that the overpopulated islamic states have practically formed a line of influence and rule that divides the east from the EUrope of today which muslims are systematically populating (ref first post).

We can come to a rough conclusion as to what the world could look like in approximately the next half a century, give or take!

The future world map.jpg

You don't think so?

Well lets take a look at what was the exact case in the year 2000:

detailed map of muslim world in 2000.jpg

So, is the above prediction right or wrong?

We shall see.

However I do leave this post at this point where it is as far as any further information, maps or anything else that may be upsetting to some people.

Everything else that I could write down here could only be misunderstood or taken the wrong way by those who do not like the facts and figures from my first post, and who do not like what they see in this post.

However, the only thing in this post is my little guestimate of a world map, as I think it shall be some time before the end of this century.

With no rambling on about who is good or bad in the entire story line. Just facts, statistics and the cold hard heartless truth.


Was this calendar so wrong with the date that the beginning of the end of this world as we know shall start?

A Song sung by Adele in 2012.

Rather befitting for all the westerners of EUrope!


Islamic states: is used in the above text to represent all those states in which government bodies base their policies/laws in accordance with islam. It is not as per the current popular use of the term referring to those members of “The islamic state” movement (caliphate) present in the middle east at this time.

To all the people who wish to spread phobias and hate speech towards any peoples of this world out there, I would appreciate it if you do not abuse this post. This post has been written so as to ensure that people can see what is installed for the future of Europe and that this is now practically irreversible. Likewise the purpose of this post is to try and ensure that people understand that there are flaws in the UN Policies and in the policies of many “western” nations on this earth. It is clear now that some people wish to abuse these flaws, these “loop holes” and this must be fixed. The fact that it is too late for Europe, should serve as a lesson to all the other great nations of this world where Human Rights are respected and not there to be abused for “personal” gain or any other “hidden agenda”.

I have often said:

"The truth may not be nice and may not be what we wanted to hear (read) but it is unique......"


There is a statistic not mentioned in your post that I believe is relevant to the point you are making. With the exceptions of the United States having Christian fundamentalism on the rise, and Middle Eastern countries having Jihadism on the rise, the overall religiosity is decreasing in the world. I believe as long as people's devotion to "sacred texts" continues to decline, the problems created by that devotion will also continue to decline. Most notably that fact is expressed in Western European countries, where a substantial minority now identify themselves as "non religious" and it is not surprising that is the location of most of the problems. Great Post... Upvoted... Steem on...

Quite logical in fact, but please appreciate why I am avoiding any stats or facts about religions that today still consider themselves to be = political ideologies.

I fully agree that faith and ideology/policies are not one and the same, however, try and explain that to those policy makers who base all their policies upon a faith?

There is a word for that, but I dare not use it here as it would take this topic way off track.

The fact remains that the traditional European nations are dying out, naturally, no war or big bang, famine or plague, just a birth ratio that has through the course of history proven to be irreversible.

Then the fact that Europes neighbours, people from islamic states are systematically populating Europe.

Looking at the maps below, it is actually a logical course of events when one takes into consideration that the population issues among the islamic states is and shall be an issue for as long as there is no family planning introduced into the lives of the majority and not just a few that happen to show up on TV screens as "Goebells propaganda specials".

Your point is appreciated and well understood, so please understand why that particular issue is not relevant, as what it could be a "parallel" topic.

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I like your points... I personally do not feel that Russia and South Africa are any more likely to give in than India and China.
Russia, for instance, has had over 11% Muslim population from 1897.
I believe they both understand and deal with the Muslim ideological threat.

Possibly, but that number is exponentially rising in Russia as in all the nations where there are muslims.
So what is 15% today, shall be over 50% in half a century and as such shall have the majority vote.

Likewise, all of Europe has a ratio of child births to married couples that is under 1.9. Which = guaranteed to become extinct as such.

So maybe a part of Russia doesn't fall under a population that is a majority muslim, but that again would mean that the map of Europe as such and the populations shall change drastically.

Again aligning to the overall fact that by the end of this century Europe shall have islamic laws by majority vote.

No avoiding it any more.

Population figures, growth, decline, immigration.

As far as ideology goes, that is a totally different and yet parallel ballgame.