Mandatory Service Requirement
If you're in the US, do you think ...
... a workable, fair and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed and ... such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the nation.
I don't. If you don't, it doesn't matter. They made it anyway because the House passed HR 1388 ... in 2009.
I think it's interesting how the final version of the bill doesn't mention it being mandatory; the wikipedia page mentions nothing about it being mandatory. But it's right there in the original version of the bill that was passed in the House.
I guess the Senate removed the mandatory requirement and the House accepted the revision.
Thing is, there's really nothing preventing lawmakers from later adding the mandatory requirement back in.
Anyway, how come the House approved of "mandatory volunteerism" in the first place?

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution prohibits indentured servitude, which this service requirement is. But the politicians who want to impose voluntary-mandatory service don't know this. Probably because they were taught in government schools.
Probably. It's possible they never read the law they signed. No excuse, but yeah.
There's an apt word for conscription. It's called slavery.
Shhhhhhh! Don't remind them that it's in there!
I wonder what kind of "service" would they want to make mandatory? Let's hope we never find out.
Alright so I'm currently in the armed forces, and I'm a strong believer that a military background is a good foundation to being a "well-rounded" individual. A lot of big corporations feel the same way, too. Military service always looks good on a resume (especially as an officer).
However, I feel like being "voluntold" to be in the military isn't the best idea. Those who want to be in the military are the ones we want there. I wouldn't want my life to be in the hands of someone who didn't really want to be there. That's just my 2 cents though. I could go on for much longer, but isn't brevity a virtue?
SORRY wrong accnt
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RFLOL ... it's the government it's not suppose to make sense.

The trail project I help with is for minnows. I am so sorry for the mix up.
Totally agree with you!
Those in power do whatever they want, whether they are acting right or not. Unfortunately that's how it works.
Politicians are complicated, they say one thing and do another, after all they want us all to become slaves.