in #politics2 years ago

Hey gents, I'm back!


As you may have noticed, there's been a sudden rise in cases of corruptions among elections in some countries in the world. Most notably Brazil, the US, Chile and many others. All of these countries are leaning towards leftist-proto-dictatorships.

In Brazil, especially, we have noticed that the current President, Jair Bolsonaro, has became more a decorative figure than actually the Chief of the Executive. The actual laws, demonstrations of power and even censorship acts are being enforced by the Supreme Court. And speaking of Supreme Court, around here there's a Supreme Court ONLY for the elections and whose president guessed right! A member of the Supreme Court itself.


The worst type of dictatorship is one enforced by a Court. They have quasi moderator powers and if you disagree with something these guys did, who are we gonna complain to?


We have clear indicatives of corruption in the SC and 2022 Elections itself. These indicatives are clear in the regards of the very close proximity with former vice-president of Brazil during Dilma Rousseff's rule, Michel Temer, who appointed (yes, presidents appoint Supreme Court members here), Alexandre de Moraes, who recently became president of the Electoral Supreme Court.

What do this have to do with Agenda 2030 by the UN though? But before...what's this Agenda 2030 anyways?

What's this Agenda 2030 anyways?

Here's a video overview:

Long story short, it's a series of 17 "goals" to be achieved within the year 2030 to achieve a "sustainable" future by having governments implement whatever steps they judge better.


The Brazilian Supreme Court has direct ties with the UN and vowed to help implementing these guidelines to achieve such goals within the same deadline, 2030.

The reasons might seem interesting and bent on goodwill, but we have noticed that most of these goals have one thing in common: reduction of birth rate and increasing mortality.

The Malthusian theory

Thomas Malthus was a british illuminist who had a theory that explained that the human population grows more rapidly than the food supply. While food supply increases arithmetically, birth rates increase exponentially and a point of crisis is set at the moment both curves match.


The Solution for the overpopulation problem

With the world population recently going over 8 billion, the goal of the UN and some extremely wealthy and influential elites is to reduce the world population in 10% to 15% by 2030, which would mean a staggering death toll of 800 million people.

That would be double beneficial for their endgame, because a smaller number of people would mean a lesser environmental impact and a smaller population which is easier to control. This is the first phase of a broader project and involves massive involvement of the mainstream media, influencers and others.

The documentary "Died Suddenly" demonstrates that one of the tools used to increase mortality and accelerate the effort to reach the quota are some variants Covid-19 Vaccines, especially the ones from Pfizer / BioNTech, which, as demonstrated in the aforementioned documentary, create fibrous clots in veins and arteries that can either incapacitate or even kill who took their jab.

Watch the documentary below if you wish, but it is not for the faint of heart.

The connection between the first subject and this one is that like what's happening in Brazil, other countries have been struck by an every increase wave of dictatorship and tampering of personal liberties with the sole purpose of granting more and more control for these elites and enforce their game easier.

How do we fight this?

Remain strong and show people the truth. It might be hard to swallow at first, but give them time. It doesn't matter where you're reading this article from, but make connections and if your personal liberties are trampled, go physical. Can't make an omelette without some broken eggs.

Create small groups of people that think alike and estimulate the birth of more and more independent groups and fight back, be it intellectually or phisically, but do it in a cohesive manner. Don't let yourselves get discouraged by the mainstream media or even by people around you. You're doing this for yourself and the ones you love.

Don't give up, don't give in! You can make a difference.