Maduro declares dictatorship: "What was not possible with the votes, we will get it with the guns"
Just a few hours ago, during a national television transmition, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, while speaking to the crowd, said: "If Venezuela did fall in chaos and violence, and the bolivarian revolution was destroyed, we would go to combat, we would never give up, and what was not possible with the votes, we will get it with the guns".
As we all know, Venezuela is experiencing its biggest economic, political, and social crisis of its modern times, under the gobernance of a corrupt and dictatorial regimen, directed by Nicolás Maduro, who mantains the power in an illegitimate and unscrupulous way.
Repression, death, hunger, lack of medicines, injustice, exile, those and much others, are the words that describe the current situation of Venezuela.
And after the death of more than 70 protestants in just about 3 months, Maduro has finally recognized, and said aloud, how tiranic and dictatorial he is, and plans to be.
We hope this helps to get even more international attention, since one of the possibilities that much venezuelans see, to get out of this, is to find international help.

Artículo en español:
Hace tan sólo unas horas, durante una cadena nacional transmitida por todos los canales de televisión y radio venezolanos, el presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, se dirige al pueblo, con las siguientes palabras: "Si Venezuela fuera sumida en el caós y la violencia, y fuera destruida la revolución bolivariana, nosotros iríamos al combate, nosotros jamás nos rendiríamos, y lo que no se pudo con los votos lo haríamos con las armas".
Como todos ya sabemos, Venezuela está pasando por la mayor crisis económica, política y social de su historia moderna, bajo las manos de un gobierno corrupto y dictatorial, dirigido por Nicolás Maduro, que de forma ilegítima e inescrupulosa se mantiene el poder, como ya lo ha demostrado con los más de 70 asesinatos reportados hasta hoy en día.
Represión, muertes, hambre, insuficiencia de recursos médicos, escasez, injusticia penal, exilio, esas y muchas palabras más, son las que describen la actual situación de Venezuela, causada por un gobierno, que hasta el día de HOY, disfrazaba con la insignia de democrático, a un régimen enteramente dictatorial y tiránico, régimen que hoy se quita la máscara, y declara a voz pópuli sus intenciones bélicas, propias de una dictadura y tiranía clásica.
Esperemos que esto ayude a captar aún más la atención internacional hacia el caso de Venezuela, siendo la ayuda extranjera, una de las pocas esperanzas que queda para el pueblo venezolano.
The globalist will keep him in power until all the gold in Venezuela has been looted by the bankers. After that the military will have a coup and another minion of the bankers will be in control of the country again.
Tbh, a military coup would most likely leave the control of the country, at least for some time, to a non-elected group of military that could still bring us problems. But, considering the attitude of the government, that's one of the few options we still have.