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RE: Cognitive Dissonance: The Most Prolific Psychological Plague of our Time (The War in Syria)

in #politics7 years ago

It's very good indeed that Russia's military assistance in Syria turned the tide against ISIS and the other rebel forces supported by the US, and allowed President Assad to prevail. But, I worry what the globalists might do next. They are inhuman, evil psychopaths.


The best weapon we have is speaking the truth wihout fear - for fear and intimidation is the most potent weapon the enemies of life have. Being without fear weakens and destroys the enemy.

Well said @globocop. We need to also defend each other's right to speak the truth. I appreciate your comments on my last post. I was really glad to see that many people understood it's purpose.

Yes @sarahabed : We ought to defend everyone's free speech - especially when we don't like what's written/said - for this is the only situation where that right becomes important.

Your article here is first class - I agree with your analyses and conclusions. The alphabet soup agencie's controlled MSM are a disgrace to humanity - a comical display of trebling down - for the advance of their own demise. So be it.

Much appreciate your stand on Syria and free speech.

Yes, they are continuously scheming. Just recently Trump met with Putin and they discussed Syria.. so we have to see what comes out of that talk. Daesh is almost entirely defeated in Syria and Iraq but the concern is now the Kurdish militias that the US supports. The Syrian government is focused on maintaining Syrias soverignty and unity.. will the Kurds make demands and face a similar fate to what took place recently in Iraq after Barzani's Kurdish referendum? Or will they agree to terms within the framework of the Syrian constitution? We know that the US has used them in the past as pawns and has dropped them when they were no longer useful, but it seems they keep allowing themselves to be put in that position while expecting a different result. Lots of different moving pieces. You've also got the big House of Saud purge/debacle, threats to Lebanon.. the US's obsession with "poking the bear" so to speak in Iran. I think what it comes down to is Putin's ability to keep Trump from taking any drastic measures that could cause more conflict and turmoil in the Middle East. When the world is run by evil inhuman psychopaths which I completely agree with you on.. it really becomes difficult to anticipate or predict how things will go.. we need to just take it one day at a time.