RE: FBI Corruption? Incompetence? I Know, Give 'em a Raise!
Fire them all! Unless the individual can prove they never heard of any of the abuses of power. Ask every employee of the FBI, when did you first know that President Kennedy was murdered by more than one shooter? Where were you when WACO happened? Where were you when Ruby Ridge happened? Where were you when 9-11 happened? After 9-11 happened what did you do to secure the evidence at the scene of the crime in New York and Virginia? Did you know the agent who fired his rifle, then lied to the Oregon State police, when Lavoy Finicum was killed? Did you arrest this agent? Do you know of any member of the FBI who in abuse of authority, ordered agents to falsify evidence or ordered agents to not act in the face of a known danger? Were you involved in anyway in Fast and Furious? What involvement did you have in the Las Vegas shooting? A raise, hell, most need to be fired and a large number need to fitted with orange jumpsuits!