The Meltdown Selfies and Sex Strikes

in #politics3 months ago

The Meltdown Selfies and Sex Strikes

The message is clear enough, i.e.

I should have voted for gangsterism, worldwide economic depression, major war, the horsemen of the apocalypse and a candidate with the IQ of a squirrel or a chipmunk, because they fear that one of them might sooner or later have to travel more than 20 miles for an abortion...

Roughly half the US population views abortion as legalized murder. Recognizing that as well as the fact that abortion is a social issue that is viewed differently in different parts of the country, the US Supreme Court undid the Roe/Wade decision that was bad law and sent the issue back to the states whee it belongs.

There is no decent reason to have Californians or New Yorkers writing laws for Texas or Texans writing laws for New York or California on a social issue. That is the logic of Donald Trump and others viewing the issue as settled. but the Democrat party does not deal in logic, they deal in terrorism and brainwashing.

Donald Trump has nothing to do with abortion. If you are less than happy with the abortion laws in your state, you need to be talking to your state legislators.

Likewise with the "sex strikes"....

Guys who voted for Trump shouldn't be able to touch a woman for four years...

My prediction:

Most of the women taking this approach are going to wake up one morning early in 2029 so starved for sex that they don't know what to do with themselves and try to go crawling back to those boyfriends and husbands they hung out to dry in 2025. and this is what they are going to hear:

Those boyfriends and husbands will have new wives and concubines from places like the Phillipines, Brazil, Sweden, Ukraine...

Especially Ukraine... The proxy war in Ukraine promulgated by neocons and the political p[arty those women are trying to shame the intelligent majority for refusing to vote for, has all but annihilated the marriageable age male population of the place leaving literally millions of young women with no prospects for marriage or families whatsoever. At least not if they stay in Ukraine.....