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RE: United Kingdom Crisis | Tommy Robinson and Stefan Molyneux

in #politics7 years ago

You don't have to be a fan of Mr. Robinson or what he says to hear him out and agree with his underlining point. I'm am American and am blessed to have a constitution that ackowledges the ability and skills given to me at birth like free speech and self defense, the ability to provide, are enshrined as rights. These rights were not granted to me by the state, I was born with them. Not everyone has this and we as free thinking people need to use what we have to provide for those we care about. In this case our freedom to speak is a powerful tool, as important as the tools protected by the 2nd amendment, so please use it to fight the tyrrany facing the west before the enemies of thought outnumber us and we enter a new dark age.


I totally agree our "rights" are not granted by the state. The state accedes to respect our "rights" and thus enshrines (as you say) them as "rights." This language of "rights" confuses the matter of fact reality.

Very well put, thank you. I don't put stock in class struggles but when the state goes after a person I feel like I'm watching someone get bullied. Some times we have to stick up for the little guy and there is no bigger bully and the state, indeed why we have the constitution.