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RE: Will Trumpists get violent if Trump is impeached or resigns?

in #politics7 years ago

I mean we saw violence when he was elected by people who wanted Hillary. I dont think its unreasonable to see the same in return? I’m not saying it’s right, just that i think both sides do it. It’s all about peaceful protests not hateful protests. I guess we’ll see what happens


I would like to make a case.. why trump supporters are not violent.

Go watch ALL the youtube videos.. of ANTIFA supporters. They have their faces covered, machine guns in hand.

They are violent, uneducated and going off basic emotion.

I have not seen a SINGLE anti trump person who can provide any reliable evidence of trump doing bad stuff.

They ALWAYS say hes a racist. That's it. Watch them get questioned.. EVERY SINGLE ONE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Without exception.

If you want to make a $100 bet with me ill spend the time to provide all the video links.

I’m not arguing with that. M simply saying that we saw violence from other groups when he was elected, so I wouldn’t expect his supporters to be different. I agree, his supporters have mostly been the peaceful ones. Yes it is the left that riots and protests and beats people. You dont have to convinvce me. I’m just saying violence may come and it isn’t unreasonable if there is violence. But we will see a whole different attitude in the media from it.

Yeah i totally agree. Although i do hope trump supports can rise and avoid violence.

We can lead by example and show strength through education and information.

Go watch all the videos of the lefties.. OMG talk about uneducated masses.

EVERY SINGLE ONE has a very severe lack of knowledge. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Against All Correct Answer Machines