Populations to be decimated in the USA, Australia, UK & Europe

in #politics8 years ago

Within a few years the populations of some of the most powerful countries in the world are forecast to be reduced by between 50-80%.

In a stunning and worrying report freely available on the web, deagel.com have stated that by 2025, some of the major countries of the world will see drastic reductions in population with a corresponding loss of GDP.

Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Greece, Luxembourg and Australia are all predicted to see their populations halved within the 9 year time frame.

The UK is likely to be hit even harder with the number falling from around 64 million to just 19 million by 2025. Ireland will also suffer a severe loss, with around two thirds of the current population going missing.

As bleak as that may sound, across the Atlantic, there is an even greater loss on the horizon.

According to the report, the USA will see the number of their citizens plummet from the current level of over 321 million to just over 61 million, a reduction of 260,000,000 people.

The company responsible for the publication will not answer individual questions relating to their predictions but they do provide some general reasons for their bleak assessment.

To begin with they dismiss the economic data produced by the likes of the USA as being fake, comparing it to the over inflated figures given out during the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. These false statistics are dangerous as they provide a completely false benchmark of a country's strength and ability to weather the coming storm of events in the near future.

What events are in the coming storm?

As well as emphatically stating that personal and business wealth and social security benefits programs will be wiped away in a financial collapse, Deagel highlight the probability of failing systems of healthcare. Migration is also put forward as a potential reason for the radical changes.

Although they specifically state no allowance in the figures has been made for nuclear war or pandemic disease scenarios, many readers will be left questioning whether these are the real reasons behind the dire forecasts.

Deagel provides information to an impressive list of clients such as the NSA, NATO, OECD and the UN. Not to mention the Russ­ian Defense Pro­cure­ment Agency.

For the full list of country predictions visit: http://www.deagel.com/country/forecast.aspx?pag=1&sort=GDP&ord=DESC