To Brexit Or Not To Brexit, That Is The Question

in #politics6 years ago

wot no brexit.jpg

The UK joined the Common Market (EEC), now known as the EU in 1973. Then the union consisted of three countries, it is now a 28 country circus. Fortunately the UK stayed with the Pound Sterling avoiding problems with the Euro.

A referendum for continued membership of the EEC was held in 1975, and it was approved by 67.2% of those that voted. Voting is not compulsory in the UK.

The UK has never pandered to another country since 1066 and it was only a matter of time before the EU bureaucracy became a bad taste in many Britain's mouth.

The Brexit referendum, took place on 23 June 2016 in the UK and Gibraltar.The referendum resulted in 51.9% of votes being in favour of leaving the EU. The UK was due to leave the EU before 11PM on 29 March 2019.

The then prime minister David Cameron resigned and Theresa May became Prime Minister with no opposition. May was unable to get a consensus on Brexit from her government and the EU, and now the government is in disarray and Brexit has been postponed. May would like to resign but nobody wants the job.

Because of recalcitrant players it looks like a no-deal Brexit is on the cards.