Fed Judge Ruling - Wasserman Schultz/DNC Party "Rigged" In Favor of Clinton -- but "dismisses case". --- sorry Bernie fans

in #politics7 years ago

Source: http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/story/wasserman-schultz-dnc-rigged-primary-judge-dismisses-fraud-lawsuit


Explosive ruling that the Corporate Media WILL NOT touch with a ten foot pole.

The case brought forward claims that the DNC "rigged" the primaries in favor of Clinton in violation of the DNC Charter. The DNC attourney argued that the DNC has every right to do what they did -- they are a private organization.

So here you have Millions of Bernie supporters believing in the process of fairness in the primaries while the DNC is stacking the deck in every way -- as was reveled in the emails recovered and Wasserman Schultz had to resign.

The Federal Florida Court Judge AGREED with the plaintiffs that this was indeed the case but dismissed the case.

Ah yes...and there were a few bodies attributed to this case --- I am sure you will see your media connect all the dots for you ......just kidding


So...how do you feel if you wanted to contribute money to the DNC and they can do whatever they want. They can legally RIG whatever candidate they want.

And now the DNC wonders why they are trailing to bad in fund raising. If you read the DNC Charter it clearly states how they need to act impartially and act fair in all campaigns and elections -- I guess the DNC had their "fingers crossed" when they wrote the charter.

Who in the hell would ever give money to these crooks again???

The Washington Post avoided printing the Fed Judges quote saying that he AGREED with the Plantiff. If the case proceeded it would have been a disaster for the DNC and lawsuits would by flying.

So where is the coverage of DNC corruption --- ah yes --- crickets from the Deep State Media --- it's there for all to read.


Corruption and rigging is legal if you are powerful enough

I agree. And I think the judge is saying "you have a case here".... "but not in Federal Court"....maybe they can try it someplace else. It really is ugly ...no other way to spin it for the DNC.

Take the case to Small Claims Court and go for the victory. Maybe Judge Judy. There are no judges who would take this case. They have a family and they enjoy life.

The judge in this case was a Reagan appointee. I am curious to see how this plays out at election time. I can imagine the 'spin".

Does it make any sense that every election result is 51/49, a representation of a nation divided. That Senate is 51/49. Who cares about elections or appointees, they all march to the same drum, dividing the populous wherever they can.

Just another day in Clinton World. Remember what the FBI said, Hillary broke a lot of laws but we aren't going to prosecute her. There's too many dead bodies following Bill and Hill around for anyone to go up against them.

That's just it. They (Deep State) cannot afford ANY trials where the light is shown on their darks ways. Things tend to get 'settled".

It's bigger than a few dead bodies....it goes much higher than the Clintons....this is why I think

ah, nothing like blind liberty for some justice to bring down the big bitches... er, never mind

This is going to "haunt the DNC"....it 's in the court transcripts. It will be used against them all day -- they don't give a shit about any DNC voters -- only what they want --- see how that works.