Still Sanders, Never Hillary, and For Jill Not Hill

in #politics8 years ago

Still Sanders, Never Hillary, and For Jill Not Hill

As I've followed the news on the various presidential candidates throughout the primary and even present day, I've started getting this sickening feeling that the world as we know it is, to put it bluntly, fucked and shit out of luck. Nevertheless, I solidly stand by my principles and will not vote for Hillary Clinton despite the threat of a Donald Trump presidency and the idea of the "first woman president". I am a millennial, I am a woman, but I am not part of this third wave feminism movement that appears to want to support an evil candidate for president simply because she happens to have a vagina. I will not ignore her evils and vote for her.


It's not a contradiction that I'm both #StillSanders and #JillNotHill because Jill Stein shares many of the same values that Bernie Sanders does. I am not betraying Bernie Sanders because he said himself in a town hall that we shouldn't simply vote for Hillary Clinton because he says we should and that it's her responsibility to earn our vote.



The following quotes are copied as best as possible from the video above

We are not a movement where I can snap my fingers and say to you, or to anybody else, what you should do because you won't listen to me. You shouldn't. You make these decisions yourself.

So, look, the point that I am making is: It is incumbent upon Secretary Clinton to reach out (not only to my supporters but to all of the American people) with an agenda that they believe will represent the interest of working families, the lower income people, the middle class, those of us who are concerned about the environment, and not just big money interests.

The only candidate that I feel has earned my vote (aside from Bernie Sanders) is Jill Stein because she's the only one who isn't beholden in some form to big money interests. There is only a slim possibility of Hillary Clinton somehow being kicked out of the presidential race (despite being a criminal) and if she is then Bernie Sanders still has his delegates and would be the Democratic nominee at that point (because he didn't give his delegates away, he simply suspended the rules of the convention and moved to nominate her which allowed him to retain his delegates) in which case I would vote for him. However, that is highly unlikely and as such my plan B is Jill Stein.


Jill Stein isn't perfect, and I'm wary of some of her positions because a few sound dangerously close to SJW territory, but I had similar issues with Bernie Sanders and she has some very rational (although they seem radical to many, such as suspending student debt and her "Green New Deal" idea) points and ideas she states that are unique to her. And for the people clamoring for a female president, she's a much better option than Hillary Clinton. Her Vice President Ajamu Baraka I'm not too sure about though... His status as a social justice advocate sets off the warning bells of potential SJW but I haven't found anything substantial to support that idea and there isn't much information about him aside from his own website which is obviously biased. Any additional resources on him would be much appreciated.

I apologize if this piece seems incohesive and rather jumbled as I am rather tired as of writing this. Any feedback would be appreciated as to how to make my posts better, because I'm unfamiliar with this format of writing. Styling with Markdown was attempted in this post and feedback and tips would be appreciated on that too.


Bernie was a complete sell out in my view. Jill's though I am more libertarian I feel is at least sincere

There's some speculation that Bernie Sanders may have been threatened into endorsing Hillary Clinton though, so you have to take that idea with a grain of salt.

Could you clarify your second sentence a little more please? I can't understand what you're trying to say about Jill Stein.

Hi I do no align politically with Jill but feel she is actually sincere in her beliefs. I don't trust Bernie as far as I could throw him. To me it looks like the bern was a player from the beginning .

Ah, thank you for the clarification. I disagree with the distrusting Bernie, but I'm not going to argue with you about that because it's rather obvious that we both have differing perspectives that won't be swayed.

Hello flamedarkmoon,

Regarding "I apologize if this piece seems incohesive and rather jumbled...."
I say don't worry. I think you got your points across well. I've written a bit myself and found that my content will suffer if I worry too much about good form, grammar, and so on.
I'll be looking for more of your work/opinions.

Thank you. I was a bit worried as I'm only used to writing essays and those require a very specific format meanwhile blogs/opinion pieces are up in the air rules wise.