Why Twitter "Discourse" is Terrible

in #politics5 years ago

Hi All.

I tend to like criticising social media companies a lot in real life, but I haven't done it here except for a small mention in another post I wrote a few months ago. That post surrounded the idea of convincing others of your beliefs, and the guide on how to change another person's mind.

This post however will be focussing on Twitter which if you're unaware, it is a social media platform where users can like, comment on, and share posts that have a cap of 280 characters. It's going to cover the awful methods that people use to dismiss legitimate points about certain subjects. So, without further ado, here are awful things people do in order to "win" the argument.


1. "I don't need to cite a source, the information is out there."

Listen, I understand that when discussing things with people, it can get really annoying having to back up things you are saying every time you make a new point. And to a certain extent, I can also comprehend why people don't always want to cite a source at the end of their twitter threads or replies. Because it takes too much work, and let's be real; most people won't even read the source at all.

But if you are arguing for a point that is the opposite of the other person you are speaking to, citing sources is important. If not, you'll be dismissed and your point will be mostly or entirely disregarded, even if the truth is on your side. People love to ignore facts sometimes, and when deeply entrenched into an ideology, many simply choose to ignore opinions that contradict their own. At least with a source, you can perhaps plant a seed of doubt into their head.

2. Calling someone a bot isn't an argument.

Sorry to some of the left wingers out there, this one is for you.

Anytime you DARE criticise someone based on their beliefs, and/or you show even an ounce of support for a right wingers argument, you'll see the term "bot" or "russian bot" being thrown around.

And guess what? It's not an argument.

Sorry if people's bubbles are going to be burst, but every single person who cites a view that is somewhat right wing cannot be a bot. It just ain't possible. Stop using silly tactics to avoid the argument.

3. "You watch Fox News / CNN! Your opinion is invalid.

I feel like an idiot saying this, but I need to do a PSA to the people. Just because a person is left or right wing, does not mean that they watch CNN or Fox respectively as their only news source. Grow up, and actually address the argument given instead of attacking someone on a completely irrelevant point.

Most people aren't stupid, though considering all of the hysteria during the COVID-19 season, I'm losing faith in people. Anyway, the point is that a single source of news isn't good, but it doesn't invalidate the argument being made.

4. People taking others out of context / not being able to read the argument presented.

I feel like I don't really need to explain this one in depth, but it's incredibly frustrating to see a perfectly reasonable argument purposefully taken out of context in order to fit a strawman argument that literally nobody made. Annoying.

5. Stating that "nobody asked" in response to tweets.

I asked. Now go away.


There's probably many other silly put downs and "arguments" that people use to dismiss another person's point. But I just picked a few that I've personally seen, and feel free to list your own below.

I'm back to somewhat political topics again, so if you liked this, feel free to leave an upvote.


Hi! Did you know that steemit.com is now censoring users and posts based on their opinions?
All the posts of these users are gone!

Here's a list of some banned users:
'roelandp', 'blocktrades', 'anyx', 'ausbitbank', 'gtg', 'themarkymark', 'lukestokes.mhth', 'netuoso', 'innerhive'
See anyone you recognize? There could be more, they also have a remote IP ban list.

Will you be censored next?