
Trump doesn't deserve credit for this (I'm definitely not a Dem btw).

North Korea doesn't need more nuclear tests anyways. It already has very powerful nuclear bombs, and demonstrated a capable delivery system for them.

That's the reason it is now talking about reconciliation with the South. It can now come to the negotiating table from a position of strength.

Right. This is happening despite Drumpf, IMO.

I do think he is something of a catalyst in allowing the world to realize just how looney our bin has become over the last few years, setting up a stiff shot to the chin of the Washington Consensus.

I'd like to see more of it.

I do wish it were not the threat of nuclear war (Russia in Syria, primarily and Turkey and the mad Erdogan) that was the backdrop... :-|

If Rachel Maddow is any indication, the DNC is going to go nuts over this move. They want war, war, war. And Trump (twice now) has tried to not have war.
Maddow - last I saw - went nuts about Trump even considering something other than bombing the fuck out of the civilians of that nation.