Some Dems announcing they will not work with some Repubs on anything

in #politics4 years ago

Just in case you didn't think the rulers of the United States were absurd enough already, there are reports about some people in Congress who are announcing that they will refuse to work with people of the other party without even knowing what the issue or potential bill or law they are voting on even is. That is what it has come to.

Sure Congress voting along party lines is nothing new, but on occasion there are a thing or two that they will agree on and have something called bipartisan legislation: Well, not of these jackaloons have their way we wont.


Jake Auchincloss is one of those people. He has claimed that any time a Republican is attempting to accomplish something in Congress he is going to Google them to see if they refused to certify the 2020 election and if the answer is yes, he will refuse to work with them. It is his first year in Congress so I suppose we can expect this sort of idiocy from him... it worked for AOC after all.

Some others are going even further.


Sean Casten from Illinois objected to a really important task of renaming a post office simply because of the fact that it was introduced to the House by a Republican. I'm not speculating about him doing it for this reason, he announced it. This is a very routine task that no one pays attention to and doesn't really matter at all. Who the hell even uses the post office anyway?


Brad Schneider, who is also a Democrat from Illinois has announced that he will no longer co-sponsor a bill that he has worked on with a Republican from Arizona that the two of them have been working on since 2017.

I don't know what is more dumb about what's happening here: The fact that he is refusing to work on it anymore based on party affiliation or because they've been working on something for 5 years and haven't finished it. Graduate degrees take less time than this.

Ann McLane Kuster of New Hampshire is basing her decisions on whether or not she is willing to work with Republicans on their Twitter and Facebook profiles. What a wonderful way to govern!

This party line situation has gotten really bad and in my mind is the equivalent of a bunch of little kids who get their feewings hurt and will not refuse to do anything with the people not on their team.

I wont pa-way wiff you becuz yow not on my team

This is your government USA! Why we keep electing these sorts of clowns is just the dumbest thing of all and every time these elections come and go I hope that the people of the USA will wise up and vote everyone out but they never do. In 2 years when you look and see that literally nothing has changed in USA yet again maybe you can wise up a bit... or we could go ahead and just split the country in half and all the babies from the blue side can go over there and all the babies from the red side can go over to the other side. At this point I would be perfectly ok with that but I guarantee you even if both teams started ideologically on the same side in this hypothetical split, in a few years they would split into two teams again.



Surprised? Blind partisanship became quite obvious under Obama

nope, not surprised at all. I would imagine it is a global phenomenon as far as politics are concerned. Wouldn't it be nice if our rulers were at all interested in actually helping the people? Government is stupid.